Saturday, August 10, 2013

Vitamins - Menopause Symptoms Relief Not Just From Herbs

Menopause puts stress on the body just like any other major transition in life. Stress, especially long-term elevated stress levels, is harmful for your health. In times of high stress and in order to avoid these negative health effects, it may be necessary to add additional minerals and vitamins. Menopause is a time in a woman's life, where some extra vitamins are needed, especially vitamins A, B, C and E plus Calcium.

There are well balanced multi-vitamins especially formulated for women in menopause. Some of these contain additional herbs and minerals to help with symptom relief.

Before adding vitamin supplements, consider your personal circumstances. You may have specific needs for adding or avoidingspecific vitamins.

Only you can answer questions like:

  • What am I eating?

  • Do I get enough nutrition, vitamins and minerals from my diet?

  • Which vitamins and mineral supplements should I add?

  • Do I have health conditions that require specific vitamins or minerals?

  • What are my risk factors and family history?

  • Do I get enough sunlight for vitamin D?

Vitamins and minerals are essential to our overall well-being and long-term health. Our body needs 13 vitamins for proper functioning: A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate).

As early as possible during pre menopause you should concentrate on getting enough of those vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, B, C, D and E. This can help with the menopausal transition and puts you on the path of a healthy post menopausal life.

There is some evidence that vitamin E helps with hot flashes. It is also powerful antioxidant and important for skin health as well as the heart and immune system. Some women use vitamin E for vaginal dryness and it can be used topically as a vaginal lubricant.

Vitamin C also has some benefits for menopause symptoms like hot flashes. It is an important anti oxidant and boosts the immune system. Foods (not supplements) rich in vitamin C help to fight some cancers.

The vitamins of the B-complex are your "nerve" vitamins. They influence the center in the brain that is responsible for our mood and overall feeling of well being. Women with severe mood swings, menopause anxiety or irritability may benefit from some additional vitamin B.

Vitamin A and D are both important to keep our bones strong. Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium.

Women in menopause should take 1,000 - 1,200 mg of calcium per day. Many calcium supplements include vitamin D. Our body can't produce vitamins (except Vitamin D) and they must be provided through the food we eat or through supplements. It is important to take vitamin supplements with food for proper absorption into the blood stream.

It is always better to get your vitamins and minerals through your diet. If you eat a balanced diet based on the nutritional requirements of the body, you are getting most of the vitamins and minerals our body needs. You will also get all the other benefits in the foods: fiber, antioxidants, and a whole lot of other beneficial substances.

Vitamins, minerals and the other substances in natural food sources interact and it is not known which benefits are derived from this interaction. Plus there is increased evidence that the cancer fighting benefits can only be had through diet and not through supplements.

While it is important to get all the vitamins and minerals we need, it is equally important not to overdue it. Do not go over the daily recommended amounts for vitamins and take all the sources of your vitamin intake into account. Many foods (like milk, cereals etc.) are fortified with vitamins. A good source of information is the list of recommended amounts for vitamins and minerals for adults over 50 by the Linus Pauling Institute (The link will open in a new window.)

Vitamins and minerals work interactively and too much of one vitamin may prevent others from working asneeded. Some vitamins are harmful in high doses (like vitamin A and E, some B vitamins) whereas others are flushed out if you take too much.

Just because menopause vitamins like vitamin E promise to ease some of the menopause symptoms; it is not a good idea to trade hot flash relief for other health risks.

Check out the information on the Hot-Flash-Era website, especially the page on Menopause Vitamins for more information and resources.

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