Saturday, July 13, 2013

Menopause Symptoms Relief For the Menopausal Stage

There are around 34 symptoms of menopause. Every woman's body is different so everyone may not experience the same symptoms. Some may notice they are experiencing several symptoms, while other notice only a small change. Nevertheless, women have to go through this stage of life. Luckily, there are products available for menopause symptoms relief.

The main symptom for menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes are a sudden warming that takes place in your body that cause you to perspire profusely. They are a result of hormonal fluctuations and imbalance. They are very annoying and usually occur at night. You can wake up in the middle of the night dripping weight and most likely need to change clothes to feel more comfortable. They can also occur during the day which can be very embarrassing.

Mood swings are another major symptom associated with menopause. You can get overly sad or even very excited for no reason at all. Many women go through mood swings before their menstrual cycle, but during the menopause stage, the mood swings can occur abruptly with no explanation. Depression and anxiety are also signs of menopause.

The reason for these changes is because when our bodies change, it takes us on a ride of mood swings. I would feel bad for my husband and kids because they would look at me like I was crazy when I would all of a sudden become very sad. I would just often explain to my loved ones that it's just a bad period in my stage I am going through and it will be over soon.

Perimenopause Cramps - 5 Foods to Help You Feel Better

There are a couple of different theories about why women experience cramps during perimenopause, but they're both linked to estrogen surges. Surprised? Many people are because they assume that what's happening during perimenopause has to do with their body producing less and less estrogen rather than more. Perimenopause cramps and other symptoms, though, along with some hormonal tests, show that this isn't always true.

What is actually happening during perimenopause is a gradual decline in estrogen with some unpredictable surges thrown in. If you were to create a daily chart of the estrogen levels in a perimenopausal woman's blood over a year, the chart would most likely have a downward trend with some spikes where the estrogen levels increase. Plus, sometimes when estrogen levels don't actually increase, the sudden drop in progesterone, the hormone that balances the effects of estrogen, can cause estrogen-surge-like effects in the body.

Back to those two cramp theories. The first theory says that even though your body isn't ovulating on a regular basis during perimenopause, it's still following a loose pattern based on your menstrual cycle. During the first part of your normal menstrual cycle, you would experience high levels of estrogen and cramps, so now you do the same thing, even though you may not experience any bleeding. The second theory says that estrogen surges are unpredictable but that they can cause a symptom that isn't exactly like menstrual cramps but that feels quite similar to them; some women describe it as a heavy feeling in the pelvic area.

What Can You Do To Get Relief in Perimenopause?

Your first reaction to these cramps might be the same reaction you had during PMS and menstruation ten years ago: reach for the pain killers. While over-the-counter pain killers can certainly help, an ounce of prevention, as they say, is worth a pound of cure. There is one natural substance that has been proven to reduce perimenopausal symptoms, including cramps, for most women: phytoestrogens.

These substances are chemicals found in plants that can act like estrogen in the body but that don't have as much effect. Think of them as Estrogen Lite. When they're in your body, they can sometimes block the effect of estrogen overload by binding with your brain's estrogen receptors, which read them as "lighter" signals and which are then blocked from binding with the heavier estrogen that your body actually produces.

Where to Get Phytoestrogens

While you can take many phytoestrogen-rich substances in pill form, the most effective way to get them is through your diet. There are several phytoestrogen-rich foods that are easy to incorporate into your diet, including flaxseed, soy, lentils, tomatoes, and apples. Luckily, all these foods also happen to be excellent additions to a healthy diet in general. Flaxseed: You can get flaxseed in many forms. Use whole seeds in homemade breads and muffins for a crunchy texture, or incorporate ground flax seeds into these same homemade treats to disguise them altogether. You can also buy flax seed oil, which is easily incorporated into smoothies and other beverages. Soy: While you should use this food in small servings, it can be a great addition to your diet. Use softer varieties in smoothies, and use the firmer varieties as a meat substitute in soups and stir fried dishes. Lentils: These tasty legumes are great in soups of all sorts, and they can be used as a side dish to add some healthy, plant-based bulk to just about any meal. Tomatoes: Slice them onto a sandwich, cook them into a sauce, or dump them into a stew. Tomatoes are a great addition to hundreds of dishes, so it's an easy task to incorporate these phytoestrogen-rich veggies into your diet. Apples: Again, these are easy to incorporate into any diet. They can be used in smoothies or baked goods, or you can just keep them around for a quick afternoon snack.

Managing Flatulence During Menopause

When I was in college, I took a year of physiology courses under a professor whose area of research was flatulence. The causes of flatulence, as we learned all too well, are many and complex, but there's usually a treatment for everyone.

If you happened to listen to Dr. Christine Northrup on Oprah on January 17, 2008, you heard a segment on women's relief from perimenopausal symptoms (flatulence, weight gain, and acid reflux, but flatulence in particular) just by eliminating wheat for a week from the daily diet. For some women getting rid of gluten will help, but if it doesn't work for you, there are more natural alternatives that don't require a trip to the doctor or an expensive prescription.

A study published several years ago in the medical journal Women's Health reported that:

  • 9% of women aged 40 to 49 experienced constipation requiring use of laxatives, and weight gain accompanying constipation

  • 39% of women aged 40 to 49 suffered acid reflux and

  • 48% of women aged 40 to 49 reported excessive flatulence.

Unfortunately, these problems don't usually clear up after menopause. Many women experience symptoms that resemble irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) beginning in the perimenopausal years and continuing throughout their lives.

The consequences of celiac disease, a condition of sensitivity to the gluten not just in wheat but also to a lesser extent in barley and rye, are worse in menopause. "Borderline" gluten sensitivity may not show up until menopause. You can of course just leave the wheat out of your diet for a week to see if you get better, but there's also a saliva test for celiac disease available through your doctor. There's even a home test from ELISA technologies or from Genova Diagnostics.

If you're not wheat sensitive, what do you do? First of all, consider dietary implications for IBS-like symptoms such as flatulence and constipation. Bean-O and Lactaid, available in markets everywhere, help if you are sensitive, as most of us are, to beans or dairy products.

A surprisingly frequent cause of flatulence? The South Beach Diet. You don't really need to modify the diet. The methods of dealing with flatulence listed below are enough to assist you to getting to the maintenance phase of the diet when flatulence should not be as problematic.

The favorite remedy for flatulence is over-the-counter Pepto-Bismol. IBS-like symptoms aren't really controlled by Pepto-Bismol, but the "pink" (bismuth salicylate) in the Pepto-Bismol binds hydrogen sulfide so gas isn't smelly. You shouldn't use Pepto-Bismol if you're sensitive to aspirin. If you can't use Pepto-Bismol, an activated charcoal product may be helpful, but ask your pharmacist if you're taking a drug like Zetia for cholesterol or if you are taking Alli to help lose weight. Either product interacts with charcoal.

Other ways to reduce gassiness include:

  • Don't drink liquids through a straw (especially carbonated beverages). The extra air comes out as gas.

  • Don't chew chewing gums sweetened with sorbitol or xylitol. These sweeteners don't provide calories to you, but they do feed the fermentative bacteria living on your intestinal wall (and especially the bacteria you get from Activia).

  • And, if you don't have acid reflux, start a meal with something bitter, the bitterer, the better. Bitter foods trigger a reflex that releases stomach acid to digest food thoroughly.

Men with IBS tend to get diarrhea. Women with IBS and IBS-like disorders tend to get constipation. Here's where avoiding sugar will really help.

When blood sugar levels are even slightly elevated, the central nervous system sends a signal to the gut to release sugars more slowly. The result is constipation.

If you use bran, keep in mind that coarse bran from cereal works better than fine bran in fiber supplements for relieving constipation, but cereals are more likely to aggravate heartburn than fiber supplements. The soluble fiber in fruits and vegetables is better still.

Prunes provide very little fiber, but they act in the gut the same way Milk of Magnesia does, causing the stool to absorb water, making it easier to move.

Exercise relieves constipation, but not a whole lot. Researchers at the University of California at Irvine measured regularity in 8 exercisers who increased their daily workouts on a stationary bike from 1.8 km to 3.0 km (about a mile a day to almost two miles a day). The effect on constipation was measurable, but very slight. A little exercise may relieve a lot of gassiness, however.

How to Survive Menopause Naturally

One thought that will be haunting today's young women is that they will have to pass through the menopause period. The common menopause symptoms are night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, itching and burning. These menopause symptoms will make the young women feel like they are in hell. The menopause symptoms are not limited to the above mentioned ones. In addition to these common menopause symptoms some women experience an uncontrollable urge to urination. This will affect the mental health of the women. Though menopause is associated with several other problems, thankfully there are some natural remedies for menopause.

The Ideal Food for Women in during Menopause Period

According to various researches conducted to deal with menopause symptoms, it was found that consuming foods with plant estrogens will help to control cholesterol along with controlling the menopause symptoms. Consuming foods rich in plant estrogens is one of the best natural remedies for menopause. When it comes to foods rich in plant estrogens, there are several items to choose from. Lima beans, seeds, soy products, celery, nuts, parsley, and flaxseed oil are rich in plant estrogens. Hence consuming an ideal meal with all these estrogen rich items will help women to overcome the menopause period with ease.

Don't avoid exercise

Proper diet and exercise are indispensable during the menopause period. Many people avoid exercise during the menopause period, thinking that it will harm their health. This thinking is totally wrong. Lack of exercise during the menopause period will increase the menopause symptoms. Inactivity during the menopause period will put women in the risk of abnormal weight gain, osteoporosis and heart problems along with increasing the common menopause symptoms. Estrogen which protects the heart and bones will drastically fall down the normal level during menopause. This loss of estrogen is one of the menopause symptoms which should be compensated by healthy diet and effective exercise.

Meditation for dealing with psychological issues

The menopause symptoms lead to many psychological problems in most of the women. Hence it is necessary to maintain good mental health along with physical health. As there are many natural remedies for menopause for maintaining physical health, you don't have to worry about it. When it comes to mental health the only natural remedy available is meditation. You will be well aware of the fact that meditation is an excellent stress buster. Hence meditation plays an important role in maintaining mental health during menopause.

Menopause occurs naturally and hence it cannot be grouped under any kinds of diseases. While a few women will be able to pass through the menopause period without any medical attention, many others need some special care for dealing with the menopause symptoms. There are many kinds of natural health care products available for controlling the menopause symptoms. Thanks for the advancements in the healthcare industry.

Menopause - 7 Common And Troublesome Symptoms Of The Change Of Life!

Menopause is a natural part of a womans life that comes to all women usually during their 40s and 50s (can be earlier or later for some women), and is typically called the "Change of Life"... the transition from fertility to the end of their productive life.

The "Change of Life" occurs when the monthly cycle of ovulation comes to an end. Symptoms affect about 70% of women approaching or experiencing it and some symptoms can create havoc for many women.

7 common symptoms of menopause include:

  • Putting on weight : often around the waist, hips and thighs due to hormonal changes and changes in metabolism

  • Hot flushes/flashes: the most common and most troublesome symptom of menopause. It's a feeling of intense heat that comes all at once and can hit during the day or at night no matter what the weather. Intensity and duration of the flushes/ flashes varies from woman to woman but for many it is a troublesome and distressing experience that can last for years

  • Overwhelming fatigue: feeling as if you have run a marathon, feeling drained and as though you are running on empty even though your day has just begun

  • Problems sleeping even without night sweats: being wide awake at an early hour, waking up a lot at night, tossing and turning and sleep isn't restful. Sleeping problems can have profound effects on your physical and emotional well-being if they happen on a regular basis

  • Irregular menstrual cycle: irregular periods, shorter, lighter or heavier periods. Some cycles can be longer and then without warning the cycle becomes shorter

  • Memory loss and an inability to concentrate

  • Incredible mood swings feelings of dread, apprehension, overwhelming sadness, instant irritation... and everything in between... in the same day, and sometimes even in the same hour.... it's like being on an emotional roller coaster! This can become a problem if intensity and frequency of mood swings become uncontrollable

These symptoms can not only be disruptive for the woman experiencing them, but also for those close to the woman both at home and at work.

Menopause is something that will happen... but many of the symptoms can easily be controlled.

Night Sweats and What Can Be Done About Them

You lie there, as uncomfortable as can be, just waiting for it to pass: night sweats! Maybe you were sound asleep and you wake up all clammy and hot, even though you have no blankets covering you. Your partner wakes up and tries to go back to sleep....

Night sweats often occur during menopause, but actually they can occur at any time in a woman's life. This is because they are caused by a hormonal imbalance, which is often disrupted during menopause. Once you realize the cause of the night sweats, it becomes easier to learn how to manage them.

The first step

The first thing you should do is educate yourself a bit. Since over half of the world's population will experience menopause and night sweats, you can be sure that there are methods to find some relief. You are certainly not alone!

What causes night sweats?

When our bodies are in a state of balanced health, we don't experience night sweats. Many factors can cause an imbalance: stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and exercise, smoking and anxiety. Once the balance is tipped, the brain thinks it needs to tell our body to dispel heat, so the heart pounds, the blood vessels dilate, the sweat glands open up and you have one of the hot flashes or a nigh sweats.

Is there a way to get natural menopause relief?

Yes! A landmark study was recently done at the Mayo Clinic that demonstrated the effectiveness of flax seed in reducing the menopause symptoms, especially hot flashes and night sweats. This is remarkable because it is so simple and inexpensive, and totally natural! There are numerous places to find flax seed and flax oil at great prices. This is a wonderful way to get menopause relief, quite inexpensively.

You can find many informative articles and posts on a family blog called Stress and Family Health. Because it is a blog you are also able to contribute and participate. A great deal can be learned from other women who have experienced the same thing.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Menozac Reviews - Natural Menopause Relief

Menopause is a part of life for all women, it is going to happen sooner or later. Although it is natural most women do not look forward to it because there are a number of unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause. Over the years there have been many attempts to deal with the symptoms of menopause, some have been effective but come with risky side effects while others haven't worked at all. The latest approach is to use a natural estrogen replacement product like Menozac to relieve the symptoms of menopause. This has a proven to be effective without having any of the dangerous side effects that are associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy.

There are a number of common symptoms to menopause however the seriousness can vary dramatically from one woman to another. In some women the symptoms are so mild they barely notice them while in others they can be severe and have a serious impact on the quality of life. The most common symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats, while depression, mood swings, insomnia and headaches are also normal. Most women will experience vaginal dryness an in some cases there will be heart palpitations. A natural supplement like Menozac can help to relieve most of these symptoms.

The traditional treatment for women suffering with severe menopause symptoms has been hormone therapy. In most cases this can help to relieve the symptoms however there are usually side effects that come with it. Most women would prefer to avoid this and treat the symptoms naturally, which in most cases is quite possible.

The best way to deal with menopause is to get regular exercise and eat a healthy diet. A diet that contains a lot of vegetables is the best way to replace the hormones that are missing during menopause. Menozac is a natural supplement that can also help to replace these hormones. Regular exercise can help to eliminate the hot flashes and the depression that comes with menopause. It is also a good idea to avoid alcohol since this a major contributor to depression.

The latest trend in dealing with menopause is natural estrogen replacement therapy. This is similar to the more traditional hormone replacement therapy except that it uses natural ingredients to stimulate estrogen production rather than relying on synthetic hormones. This has means that the symptoms of menopause can be treated without the risk of side effects. Menozac is one of the leading natural estrogen replacement products on the market. It works by providing the body with phytoestrogens which are plant based hormones that are believed to act in a similar way to estrogen.

Vaginal Dryness - Causes And Treatments For Full Relief From Discomfort

Vaginal dryness occurs more frequently with ladies who are either approaching menopause, or who are already in full menopause. Young ladies can also experience vaginal dryness for different reasons.

Having a dry vagina is not only unsettling, but can also cause complications with a woman's love life. Sex can be very painful as the vagina is too dry and needs more natural lubrication. Problems with lovemaking can lead to further tensions in a couple and low libido due to stress.

The Causes of Vaginal Dryness

Menopausal women

A dry vagina occurs more frequently in menopausal ladies or in women approaching their menopause (known as the perimenopause). Between the ages of approximately 45 and 60 years old, women are far more likely to suffer from a dry vagina which has negative consequences on their love life.

Declining levels of estrogen mean the end of the fertile stage is approaching. The walls of the vagina become dryer and less natural vaginal lubrication is present. As a result, it may take longer for the vagina to become lubricated naturally. Sexual arousal generally takes longer than before the menopause, although there are exceptions.

Younger ladies

Vaginal dryness in young ladies can be the result of hormonal imbalance, often caused by medication, poor diet or lifestyle. Medication is often responsible for low levels of female testosterone (hormone that both males and females need for sexual desire).

Birth control medication is the most common cause in young women, although other drugs such as antidepressants and even epilepsy drugs have been known to cause libido problems. Low libido in females can even occur some time after changing or stopping the drugs.

Psychological causes of low libido

Female libido and a dry vagina is sometimes a result of psychological issues that can be related to stress or tension in daily life, work or with other people. Tiredness combined with stress is especially harmful to the female sex drive.

Tension and tiredness from working, taking care of children or from the daily routine can prevent you from feeling relaxed and can suppress sexual desire. This only leads to yet more stress and even lower libido. To find the best solution for your dryness and low libido, read on..

Solutions And Relief For Vaginal Dryness

The ideal solution for you may depend on your condition. Perhaps you believe the cause of your lack of lubrication is menopause, maybe it's medication or stress. Trying out 2 or more of the below solutions may prove to be more beneficial to you.

1. Herbal supplements to improve hormonal balance

For both women who are approaching menopause or are in full menopause some effective natural solutions exist. Such herbs are fully safe and natural, although you should always read the notice and consult your doctor if in doubt. Many menopausal women report that steel libido has improved their sexual desire and cured any dryness they had previously. Steel libido is ideal for both young and menopausal women and is perfectly naturally occurring.

2. Solutions for dryness caused by medication

Women who experience low libido and dryness as a result of medication (birth control or other) should consider stopping all medication if possible. If it's too complicated to stop medication or medication is absolutely necessary, then suggest to the doctor to change the brand or make to a different one.

You may also benefit from a good detoxification to improve libido and from drinking plenty of water. Often, herbs and vitamins are great libido boosters that can help to improve female libido faster and have sexual desire return to normal levels.

3. Solutions for low libido and dryness causes by stress

Stress and tiredness are a major cause of low libido in women. Sometimes, even being aware of having stress can actually increase internal tension levels and compound the libido problems that cause low desire.

Tiredness from working, having children or tension with other people is another factor that intensifies stress levels.

An excellent nutritional supplement for boosting libido by reducing stress and tiredness is Maca Root. Many women report highly positive effects on libido from taking this great naturally occurring supplement.

4. Solutions for psychological libido problems

Finding relief for a dry vagina and low libido is more of a challenge when it comes to complicated psychological issues. Mental blockages to sexual desire can be a result of poor self-image, low confidence, lack of energy or a negative mindset. Past traumas can also play their part.

If you suspect that this is your case, then follow these tips on natural libido enhancement to help vaginal dryness and follow a healthy lifestyle which reduces the chances of low libido and boosts endorphins. Many women report positive results in boosting libido in a short time by using perfectly safe self-hypnosis to enjoy sex. This is a program which can be downloaded and listened to instantly. The effects are positive for many women.

Lubricant for improving sex

Finding the ideal lubricant can help to find a fast solution for a dry vagina. Precautions need to be taken when choosing a lubricant, as certain products can cause irritation and pain. A universally accepted and tested lube for the vagina is K-Y Lubricant. KY helps millions of people across the world enjoy good, healthy sex. You should consider keeping some in your bedroom as a back up.

Facing Menopause? There's a Chinese Herb That Could Be a Better Than HRT

Since hormone replacement drugs such as estrogen have been shown to increase the risk of tumors, many women have stopped taking them. The result? They've had to endure hot flashes and the other symptoms associated with menopause.

Now, however, there is an alternative to prescription drugs called MF101. It is a combination of 21 Chinese herbs and is designed for the treatment of hot flashes and nigh sweats in peri-menopausal and menopausal women.

No increased risk of breast or uterine tumors

MF101 was developed by the company, Bionova. Bionova believes that MF101 exerts effects on only one of the two known estrogen receptors. As a result, it can provide relief from symptomatic vasomotor symptoms while minimizing side effects. The compound has been studied in animals and did not either adversely alter reproductive hormones or promote tumor formation in the breast uterus. This suggests that the risk of neither breast or uterine will be increased by the use of MF101.

How MF101 works

Bionova says that MF101 attaches to receptors on a woman's cells, triggering a genetic response that tends to limit hot flashes. According to an early-stage study of 22 post-menopausal women published in the November issue of the journal, Endocrinology, MF101, unlike estrogen, doesn't activate a type of receptor linked to cancerous growths.

Phase 2 trial under way

There is currently an MF101 Phase 2 trial under way that is designed to evaluate the effects of 2 doses of MF101 to treat hot flashes in post-menopausal women., San Francisco. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Deborah Grady at the University of California. The primary outcome measures are the changes in both the frequency and severity of hot flashes from baseline to 12 weeks.

While it is still too early to say that MF101 is a better and safer answer to the symptoms of menopause, the results of its Phase 1 study suggest that this combination of natural Chinese herbs is one to watch.

Can Acupuncture Help Control Menopause Symptoms

Different cultures and nationalities have different methods in treating various illnesses. Something that is interesting to note is that Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Acupuncture are becoming more and more popular in helping to control menopausal symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicine views menopause as a time for a woman's body to shut down the natural reproductive cycle in order to conserve her life energy, so that while she ages, she can retain all her resources.

A difference in Eastern culture, in comparison to Western culture, menopause is quite uneventful. The reason it is so different between cultures is that western women live a more fast-paced life, have more stress, and eat a poorer diet, thus exacerbating the symptoms of menopause.

Another believes in Traditional Chinese Medicine is that menopause is not a syndrome, but that the imbalance of hormones is wreaking havoc on the female body.

Acupuncture works through the belief that there are over 2000 acupuncture trigger points in the body. These triggers are all linked together in a group of 20 different pathways. Each pathway is responsible for conducting life force between the surface of the body, and the internal organs. It is believed that once the pathway is able to keep the life force flowing between these links, the body and the mind stay healthy.

Using acupuncture to control menopause symptoms varies from woman to woman. The acupuncturist will access which of the symptoms of menopause the woman is suffering from and then use the pathways to relieve her symptoms. Only certain pathways are used to relieve the individual symptoms a woman is experiencing. Every menopausal woman is treated as unique based on her symptoms.

Acupuncture is administered by the use of thin, solid needles that are inserted in targeted trigger points. The purpose of the needle is to help stimulate the pathways to encourage life force production. This could be done by placing the needles to the shoulders, arms, legs, and even the feet. When the needles are inserted correctly, there should be no pain, or bleeding, however, you may experience a slight tingling, or numbness that dissipates quickly. Treatment is known to be very relaxing and usually lasts about thirty minutes. It is also wise to remember that each woman and her symptoms are different. Using acupuncture as a means of treatment is usually a long, ongoing therapy. You may feel the effects right away or it may take months for you to feel the advantages of using acupuncture to treat your symptoms.

If you plan on using acupuncture to treat your symptoms of menopause, make sure that you visit a licensed acupuncture therapist to determine the most realistic, and productive course needed to treat your symptoms.

Can acupuncture help relieve the symptoms of Menopause? Yes, it can. It has been proven to relieve symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, stress, and anxiety.

As with any treatment, make sure you research every method available and speak to your physician to make sure that you are getting all the treatment needed to maintain your hormonal imbalance during the transition of menopause.

Fighting Menopause - Natural Remedies to Help You Overcome Painful Vaginal Dryness

Once most women hit fifty, they start to enter menopause. Natural remedies for the symptoms of menopause can seem appealing, especially if you don't want to take artificial hormones. But what are some natural remedies for vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is probably the hardest problem to overcome naturally. It's also the symptom of menopause that may hurt the most. You see, as you enter menopause, the cervix stops secreting mucus. Also, the vaginal walls thin and the entrance to the vagina becomes smaller. All these factors add up to make sex not a fun experience.

This can actually damage your relationship. Some people are lucky enough to have understanding husbands. Others of us are not. Some husbands just don't seem to get that you're not interested because it hurts. Instead, they may think something is wrong with them. Or they may even be unhappy with you, thinking that you are deliberately withholding sex! Either of these situations will set you up for trouble in your relationship!

But what if there was a way to fix vaginal dryness? Many women have been able to help themselves using natural herbal remedies. These are FDA approved and very safe, although you should talk to your doctor before you try any. Still others get some help in over the counter lubricants. The only problem with those is that it only addresses the lack of lubrication. It doesn't address the thinning vagina or smaller entrance.

So in fighting menopause, natural remedies may be your best option. Just make sure to do your research before you start using any herbal supplement.

Can You Avoid Weight Gain During Your Menopause Years?

Did you know that women in their 40s and 50s need about 200 calories fewer per day than women in their twenties and thirties?

Women in their menopause years can gain 1 to 1 ç¿» pounds per year, if they continue with the food and lifestyle choices they made during their younger years. That slow, sneaky weight gain can add 10 to 15, or more pounds to your body before you hit menopause!

Here are a few suggestions that will help you have your youthful figure:

  • Start going for a 30 minute walk every morning to get fresh oxygen into your brain and body and rev up your metabolism for the day.

  • Start cooking with coconut oil rather than butter, grapeseed, olive or other oils! Yes, coconut oil has been proven to be a healthy cooking oil that'll help you release body fat!

  • Are you sick of having a jelly belly? Most women during their menopause years are dismayed to notice that they have extra belly fat that's difficult - "impossible"- to get rid of. Now researchers are identifying natural, nutrient-dense foods that when eaten regularly reduce abdominal fat - especially when combined with regular exercise and eliminating intake of non-foods, sugar and fried foods. These belly fat eliminators include apples - try eating three apples a day, watermelons, tomatoes (large: 33 calories), bananas (75 to 135 calories), tart cherries, raw celery (a negative calorie food - 8 calories per rib), avocados - a nutrition powerhouse, and kelp noodles (6 calories).

  • Choose to stop eating wheat products, including the ones you've been told are 'healthy' for you. Many women notice their bellies reduce almost overnight when they avoid eating wheat pasta and baked goods.

  • Here's a little known nutrition secret...start taking a daily multi-mineral supplement so your body gets the micronutrients it's REALLY craving when you think it wants a salty junk food. You cannot absorb vitamins when you are missing minerals, and minerals are missing from our food that's grown in minerally depleted soil. When you satisfy your body with nutrients it needs, you'll no longer have those irresistible cravings for fatty, 0-nutrient foods that are currently contributing to your weight gain. And yes, this small change will set you up to live longer, healthier too!

  • Don't eat anything with added sugar - those calories are stored rather than burned, and sugar causes many imbalances and deficiencies in your body.

  • Stop drinking that glass of wine every night with dinner! It's a recipe for weight gain during your menopause years. If you enjoy wine that much, treat yourself to a glass or two - one night a week. A former co-worker of mine looked forward to Friday because that was her 'Wine Night'!

  • Don't eat anything past 6 pm. Drink water or herbal tea only.

  • Start doing a nutritional cleanse three to four times a year. It's a healthy weight management tool since it releases the fat that stores body toxins, adds nutrients and reduces calories. Most cleansers notice pounds and inches lost in days.

  • With a little care, planning and updating your food and lifestyle choices, you can avoid or eliminate weight gain during your menopause years!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Menoquil Review - An Effective Menopausal Relief Option?

As women approach menopause, the warnings signs set in - irregular periods, night sweats, hot flashes and psychological maladies such as irritability and low sex drive. Standard HRT treatments have commonly been shown to provide only short-term relief from menopausal symptoms, often increasing the incidence of heart attacks, strokes and even breast cancer. A refreshingly all-natural alternative called Menoquil, manufactured by Pharmaxa Labs, is a daily, single-dose treatment that claims to rival HRT. But what is Menoquil?

Menoquil is an exciting option for those going through menopause because it contains only naturally-derived herbal and botanical extracts, while still offering the same benefits as hormone-replacement therapies. Its key equivalent ingredients are phytoestrogen compounds and black cohosh extract, which have been respectively proven to boost energy levels and reduce hot flashes (in the same was as HRT's transdermal estradiol), but Menoquil's entire cocktail of botanical extracts work harmoniously as a menopausal remedy to support the body's hormones, rather than a comparatively invasive HRT treatment.

Menoquil contains soy isoflavone proteins which are also claimed to relieve hot flashes, but their effectiveness in other areas has been tested with mixed results; some studies have shown that isoflavones have little to no effect on increasing cognitive function.

Among the rest of the extracts, Chaste Berry provides mild pain relief, in particular to targeted menopausal pain such as breast tenderness and edema; Red Clover Extract has been proven to possess properties similar to HRT's low levels of estrogen and thus helps to relieve night sweats and also acts as an insomnia aid. This combination of all-natural, botanical extracts are a promising change, but there's something to be said about the optimization of synthetic compounds and their effectiveness compared to botanical compounds which have been subjected to little research concerning their use in menopause.

Menoquil is comprised of Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Calcium, Phosphorate (as Calcium Phosphorate), Red Clover Flower Powder, Red Clover Powdered Extract, Green Tea Leaf Powdered Extract, Guggul Gum Resin Powdered Extract, Chaste Berry Powder, Dong Quai Powder, Soy Isoflavones 40%, Wild Yam Root Powder, Black Cohosh Root Powder, Cnidium Monnieri Fruit Powder, Bioperine.

Concerning the psychological effects of menopause, Wild Yam Root promotes production of sex hormone-binding globulin and serum estrogen, reducing vaginal dryness but also boosting a low sex drive. Green Leaf Tea Extract boosts the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant, but also works with Guggul Gum Resin to stimulate thyroid activity, helping to quell excess appetite cravings. The addition of calcium promotes positive bone health to prevent osteoporosis.

Based on the ingredients in the Menoquil formulation it can be said that the product may: reduce stress and irritability, relieve vaginal dryness, increase sex drive, relieve hot flashes and night sweats, curb excess food cravings, relieve insomnia, soothe breast tenderness, relieve edema and headaches and increase bone health. Overall, Menoquil is a viable option for those opting to use a natural botanical product over a synthetic medication.

Endometriosis and Menopause - What to do if Symptoms Persist

Not many women can say they are looking forward to the day that menopause starts and start dealing with symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. However, for Endometriosis sufferers the thought of menopause can bring a welcome smile. So, why do these women have such a positive view of endometriosis and menopause?

Did you know that when women reach menopause, they tend to cease experiencing the painful and often debilitating symptoms of endometriosis?

Endometriosis symptoms can start to be felt any time after the onset of puberty. In other words, menstruating women are more at risk of developing endometriosis.

So, women are less likely to feel the painful effects of endometriosis if they are in their menopausal years.

This relief has made many women accept and even welcome the onset of menopause to relieve themselves of the Endometriosis related pains.

However, unfortunately, it's not that straight forward as it has been found that menopause does not guarantee the removal of all the endometriosis symptoms. But more on this in a moment.

To understand why menopause helps women overcome endometriosis symptoms, it helps to understand more about the nature of endometriosis.

The exact cause of the condition is not yet determined, but the reasons why the symptoms are felt once endometriosis has developed seem quite clear.

The uterus contains endometrial tissues that are directly affected by estrogen levels in the blood.

Every month estrogen levels increase and the endometrial glands in the uterus start producing lots of tissue to thicken the wall lining in readiness for pregnancy. When pregnancy doesn't occur the estrogen levels drop and the period starts.

Problems start when endometrial glands are found in other parts of the body like the kidneys, ovaries, bladder, abdominal wall, intestines and even the areas in-between these organs.

These deposits react in the same way as the glands that line the, swelling then shedding and bleeding. However, there is usually nowhere for the blood and debris to go, and this is what can cause the endometriosis symptoms, including the excruciating pain.


During menopause, the ovaries are not active anymore. Estrogen levels dip and so women who regularly suffer from endometriosis who reach the menopause tend not to experience endometriosis symptoms anymore.

The same goes for younger women who elect to have their ovaries surgically removed in a bid to alleviate the pain endometriosis brings about. By taking this route, menopause is accelerated.


Unfortunately, menopause either natural or forced does not necessarily mean the end of endometriosis symptoms. If you take hormone replacements or if your body continues to produce hormones after menopause your symptoms can still remain.

But what should you do if endometriosis recurs during and after menopause?

Normally, your doctor would ask you to take pain relievers for pain relief. There are also a number of natural methods and simple lifestyle changes you can make that help reduce the endometriosis symptoms..

You can read more about the natural treatments for Endometriosis by signing up for our free newsletter below.

Endometriosis and menopause can have significant impacts on your life, so make sure you understand how the two are linked to choose the best solution.

How to Get Menopause Relief During Perimenopause

Some women sail right through perimenopause and enter menopause with little thought of finding menopause relief. Others have symptoms for 10 or 15 years before actually becoming officially menopausal. In any case, the feelings of depression, lack of memory, night sweats, hot flashes and insomnia can be very disrupting for anyone.

What is perimenopause?

In the not-so-distant past the medical world did not even regard the time period preceding menopause as significant. Once this attitude changed, the name perimenopause was coined to describe the pre-menopause time period. Similar to the term pre-pubescent, perimenopause describes the hormonal change taking place before the actual onset of menopause.

During this time, the symptoms can vary greatly from month to month. As the body begins changing it's production of hormones, your periods can become very heavy, or much lighter, or become sporatic. Your moods can swing from high to low, thinking can become fuzzy, and your memory can go on vacation temporarily.

Some women have very few adjustments during this time, others can experience very devastating symptoms. Until recently, most medical doctors prescribed artificial hormones. However, with the Women's Initiative study revealing the dangers of breast cancer from the therapy, many women have begun searching for alternative methods.

Do you have to suffer these symptoms?

According to many doctors who specialize in women's health, you absolutely do not need to suffer. Because the symptoms of menopause are caused primarily by a hormonal imbalance, finding a method to restore this balance will result in a much more pleasant change of life.

When you experience things like hot flashes or insomnia, it is because your body is trying to get your attention. The body naturally wants to maintain a balanced state called homeostasis, and when this is disrupted, it sends out signals like alarms to wake you up.

These symptoms just don't go away by themselves, as a cold might. Doing nothing will result in nothing happening to change things for the better.

What can you do to get menopause relief?

There are numerous methods to truly get some help, a few are listed here:

  • Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle. This means no smoking, drinking in moderation, and getting adequate rest and sleep.

  • Manage the stress in your life. Stress is a major contributor to hormonal imbalances.

  • Take high quality vitamin and mineral supplements.

  • Get vigorous exercise several times a week.

  • Learn about alternative treatments such as EFT, massage therapy, herbal remedies, etc.

Lost Your Libido? - 5 Herbal Remedies To Kick Start Your Sex Life After Menopause

If you'd rather curl up with a good book in bed than get cozy with your husband or partner, then you may be among the 20-40% of women who experience loss of libido during menopause.

A decrease in sexual desire in itself need not be a problem. In fact some women may see it as a plus if they don't have a sexual partner in their lives. However it can become a problem if you do have a husband or partner whose libido is higher than yours.

Your significant other may feel rejected and unable to understand why you've recently gone from sex goddess to ice-maiden almost overnight; you may not even understand it yourself!

Like many symptoms of menopause, hormone imbalance is the main culprit in the loss of your sex drive. But more complex physical, emotional and relationship issues can also play a part.

Menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes and night sweats can contribute to lack of sexual desire as painful intercourse and hot sweats may take all the pleasure out of intimacy.

Mood swings and feelings of stress and fatigue or even body image issues as you get older, can leave you feeling less desirable and consequently less able to respond to sexual overtures.

It's important for the health of your relationship to keep communication open with your partner so that they understand what's happening and don't take your lack of interest in sex as a personal rejection.

It's also important to realize that just because you're going through menopause, you don't have to accept that your sex life is over and it's not too late to start enjoying sex again.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to kick-start your flagging libido. The first step is to tackle the main culprit, hormone imbalance, at source. And if you are looking for natural remedies that will do just that, here are the five best herbal remedies for boosting your libido:


Contains steroidal saparins that are thought to mimic the action of some human hormones. It is used as a supportive tonic for the female reproductive system. Sarsaparilla is also used as a tonic for sexual functions and as a rejuvenating tonic to support performance.


Ginkgo biloba is an herb derived from the Maidenhair Tree, which originates from pre-historic age in China, and is well known for its antioxidant and detoxifying properties. It is used to help many conditions including memory loss/inability to concentrate, mood disturbances, dizziness and sexual performance problems. Ginkgo is now one of the Top 10 herbs sold in the U.S.


Tribulus terrestris, also known as Puncture Vine, has a long history of traditional use in China, India, and Greece. In ancient times, it was recommended as a treatment to support female fertility and to maintain a healthy libido in both men and women. Recent studies performed in Bulgaria are the most current evidence regarding Tribulus. According to this research, Tribulus supports a healthy balance of hormones such as testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen. For this reason, Tribulus supports sexual function.


(Withania somnifera) is the "ginseng" of Ayurvedic medicine, which is the traditional medicine of India. A major traditional use of the herb is in "balancing life forces," which may be regarded as an adaptogenic or tonic effect. It has been shown to improve physical energy and athletic ability, increase immunity to colds and infections and increase sexual capacity and fertility.

Muira Puama

Also called "Potency Wood", Muira Puama is a small tree, native to the Brazilian Amazon. It is one of the most active botanicals with a long history of traditional use as an energy tonic, general health improver and remedy for impotence & sexual insufficiency. First discovered centuries ago by the Amazon natives, this herb is widely used as an aphrodisiac by both men and women.

Remember, sex is like exercise, once you get into it you really start to enjoy it! Although you're never going to have the same sex drive as a 20 year old, these natural herbal remedies should help to boost your desire for and enjoyment of sex and lead to a long and healthy sex life for many years to come!

Red Clover: The Best Natural Herb for Menopause

Red Clover is the best natural herb for menopause symptom relief.

In fact the most effective menopause supplements recommended by health experts often include this natural herb.

A member of the legume family (which includes beans and peas), Red Clover is rich in phytoestrogens, elements occurring naturally in the plant that effectively correspond and mimic estrogen in the female body.

Moreover, studies conducted recently show that using red clover for menopause can greatly reduce or even eliminate hot flashes for many women AS WELL AS help protect you against bone loss.

The top menopause supplements recommended more often contain this natural ingredient as it can be very helpful to women who are looking for an effective natural herb for menopause symptom relief.

National Cancer Institute Study Finds More Red Clover Benefits

Studies done in Australia and by the National Cancer Institute shows that red clover contains not only one, but actually four different phytoestrogens.

Two of their studies suggested that this herb may help in the areas of lowering blood pressure by helping to thin the blood and in helping to reduce or even eliminate menopausal hot flashes.

When you're looking for symptom relief but don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs associated with hormone replacement therapies (HRT), then finding a good supplement that contains red clover can be very beneficial. HRT, taken long-term, has been proven to greatly increase the chances of contracting breast cancer.

Red Clover for Menopause

Traditional medicine has few options available to them when it comes to menopause symptom relief and women have been using natural herbs to successfully treat these issues for hundreds of years.

All natural herbal supplements have few, if, any, side effects and are much safer to take for menopause symptom relief than synthetic drugs.

Using an all natural herbal remedy like red clover will take away that concern for many women.

The Best Natural Herb for Menopause Symptom Relief

Studies show that as many as 70% - 85% of women will experience mild to severe symptoms during menopause.

If you find yourself suffering from insomnia, weight gain in your belly area, headaches, hot flashes and night sweats, or any of the other problems associated with menopause, you're no doubt looking for some relief.

I suggest you choose a top menopause natural supplement that contains red clover; menopause relief can then be fast and long-lasting.

When you're looking for a good natural herb for menopause symptoms, you should also look for one that has been produced using the highest quality 'standardized herbal extracts' and manufactured under strict quality control.

Other key herbs, vitamins and minerals should also be included to provide you with the optimal health benefits and to help create a type of synergy that helps to both reduce or eliminate menopausal symptoms and enhance your overall health.

Recommended Supplements for Menopause Symptoms

Remember, whenever you begin taking a new supplement, it is a good idea to check with your doctor first.

You really don't have to suffer!

Red Clover is definitely the best natural herb for menopause symptom relief and is usually one of the key ingredients found in the top menopause supplements recommended by health experts.

Countless women find lasting relief from the troublesome and sometimes debilitating symptoms of menopause through the use of natural herbs and extracts like Red Clover.

No doubt, it's become one of the most popular natural menopause supplements recommended and can certainly provide you with the symptom relief you're seeking.

Which Menopause Treatment Can Relief Progesterone Imbalance?

Perhaps you have seen advertisements or are just wondering what all of the fuss is about. With all the different kinds of cream, progesterone is getting a lot of attention among women. Moreover there are some very good reasons for all of the hype and excitement.

Women have a lot of stuff going hormonally and sometimes it is essential to find relief from the aggravating hormone imbalance symptoms. Whether your problems are associated with birth control, menopause and PMS, the fact is without an effective treatment, the symptoms will continue to worsen and your activities and life will suffer. Rather than reaching for the latest pharmacy cures, take a look at the advantages of a natural menopause treatment.

Menopause progesterone cream benefits

The first thing that you have understood is what progesterone is. It is a hormone that made naturally in a woman's body shortly before her period. If the levels of this hormone are wrong, there are all kinds of uncomfortable and disagreeable symptoms which can appear. This imbalance isn't limited to menopausal women, though they are more normally affected than others.

For this reason, finding for alternative menopause treatments is a good idea. You need relief from bloating and mood swings without adding more unnatural ingredients into your body system from lab created medications which may be only partially useful. Be deciding to apply a natural remedy, you also can have your old energy back and enjoy the sexual libido before your hormones became out of whack. Besides natural menopause estrogen cream can help you regain your concentration and self esteem.

Disadvantages of chemical remedies

In stark compare to menopause progesterone cream, prescribed drugs have some serious weakness. As your hormone imbalance has been diagnosed, it can take months of misery to find the correct hormone replacement therapy balance for you. In the meantime, you are forced to deal with hot flashes, anxiety attacks and weight gain. There have also been studies done which strongly recommend that long term use of medications can harm your health. By replacing your hormones in natural way, you are avoiding putting chemicals in your body which only mimic the real thing.

When you purchase progesterone cream, you have the advantage of understanding exactly what you are applying to your body and can be assured that it is natural and safe. Menopause treatment which mention in our website is a great way to replace missing progesterone. It is simple to apply and you don't have to worry about missing a dose or what time to take it. As a result your progesterone imbalance can be treated effectively and naturally.

Relieve Your Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Fast With an Acupressure Point

Are you desperately seeking relief from your menopausal hot flashes, night sweats and the irritability they can cause? During peri-menopause and menopause, 3 out of every 4 women have intense hot flashes. I was one of those 3 women, but I was looking for non-invasive and drug free solutions. Hormone replacement therapy was not on my list of things to try. Cheer up - fast relief is here!

I would like to share one of the techniques that I've used myself and given to lots of my clients, which not only gives you fast relief from your hot flashes, but also relieves anxiety and insomnia - you know those hot flashes always come on in the middle of the night! This technique involves the use of a vital acupressure point called "The Sea of Tranquility." It's the 17th point along the Central Vessel Meridian (CV 17), in the very center of your breast bone. Meridians are the energy pathways of the body and using acupressure releases energy blockages along these important energy pathways. So let's get right to it!

Interlace all of your fingers so that you can place one thumb on top of the other - knuckle on knuckle. This makes the top knuckles stick up, which is what you want because you're going to press that knuckle into this acupressure point. Now, take your hands to your chest and press into the center of your breast bone with those knuckles. It's a little easier to reach if you do this lying down, so lie down on your back with a pillow or a folded blanket under your knees to take any pressure off your lower back. Then press your knuckles into CV 17. Also, when those menopausal hot flashes come on as night sweats at two am, you can do this without disturbing anyone sleeping next to you. Breathe deeply while pressing this point for at least two minutes and then release your arms and continue your deep full breaths to circulate fresh, oxygenated blood through your body which also helps to relieve your hot flashes, anxiety, and insomnia.

This practice takes very little time and can also be done before you go to bed while listening to relaxing music if you'd prefer. To relieve your menopausal or peri-menopausal hot flashes and night sweats fast, try this three times a day for a couple of weeks. Your body will thank you and your bed sheets won't need changing quite so often!

Best of Health Kathi

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Menopause and Hot Flashes and Evening Primrose Oil--Does It Work?

Numerous studies have been conducted concerning alternative treatments for menopause and hot flashes, and evening primrose is one of the natural products that have been studied. According to surveys, control of hot flashes is the number one reason that women seek treatment during the years leading up to and following menopause.

Because so much scientific research has been conducted concerning the safety and effectiveness of non-hormonal treatments for control of hot flashes, several research groups have gone to the effort of compiling the published data. You might call these the "studies of the studies". You might wonder why all of this is necessary. There are several reasons, but the primary one is that hot flashes respond to placebo. The majority of studies confirm that women taking placebo experience about a 20% reduction in hot flash symptoms. So, researchers interested in promoting a specific product can honestly say things like "women using product X reported a reduction in hot flash symptoms."

A recent search for studies published at Pub Med, a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, concerning menopause and hot flashes and evening primrose returned 20 results. Evening primrose oil is claimed to provide a variety of health benefits, including the control of hot flashes, but finding contemporary medical literature to support these claims is difficult.

In 1994, researchers at the Keele University in England enrolled 56 menopausal women suffering from hot flashes at least three times a day to complete a six month study of the effectiveness of evening primrose for control of hot flashes. Only 35 women completed the study. 18 of them took 500 mg of evening primrose oil with 10 mg of vitamin E twice a day, while 17 took a placebo. After analyzing the dairies of the participants, researchers concluded that evening primrose offered no benefit over placebo in treating menopausal hot flashes. On the average, the women taking placebo experienced 0.7 less hot flashes per day, while women taking evening primrose experienced 0.5 less per day.

One of the "studies of the studies" was completed in 2002 by researchers at Columbia University in New York. These researchers used a number of different sources to accumulate information relating to menopause and hot flashes, and evening primrose was again mentioned. In total the researchers selected 58 different studies that were randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. They came to the following conclusions. Dong quai, evening primrose oil, vitamin E and acupuncture do not affect hot flashes.

On the other hand, the researchers believed that black cohosh showed promise for the control of hot flashes, but they were wary to recommend it, because safety data concerning the herb had not been accumulated at that time. Since then, studies have shown that black cohosh has no negative side effects and has no estrogen like affects on breast or uterine cancer cell lines. Black cohosh is currently recommended by most practitioners, whereas evening primrose is not believed to be effective. For more information about menopause and hot flashes, and evening primrose and black cohosh, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

Relief From Fibroids Naturally - Safe & Effective Home Remedies For Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Treatment for uterine fibroid tumors is normally not necessary. However treatment becomes essential if

a)your symptoms are severe

b)you wish to have children in future.

Fibroids are a common problem that many women face. Fibroids are benign or non cancerous growths which can occur on the walls of the uterus or the cervix. Usually this develops in women who are in their late thirties or early forties.

Fibroids can cause frequent and heavy menstrual periods and bleeding in between periods. The excessive blood loss can result in anemia, weakness and fatigue. There are various options of treatment for uterine fibroids. In cases where the fibroids do not cause any problems or discomfort treatment is generally not needed. This is because fibroids tend to shrink on its own with the onset of menopause.

A healthy diet and exercise by itself will not shrink your fibroids. However it will definitely provide you relief from some of the symptoms of fibroids. Diet and lifestyle changes form an integral part of any natural plan of uterine fibroid treatment.

What should a typical fibroid diet comprise of?

Consume a fiber rich diet which is low in animal fats and fried foods. Prunes, pears, figs and apples are fruits which you can include in your diet. Substitute refined flour products with whole wheat breads and pasta. Oats can also be included in your intake since it has high fiber content. Broccoli, spinach, onion and garlic are particularly useful in treatment for uterine fibroids as they help in regulating estrogen levels.

Stay away from or reduce consumption of sugar, alcohol and saturated fats. These foods tend to make it difficult for the body to regulate the hormonal balance.

In addition to your dietary changes, follow a regular exercise routine. Excess estrogen which is the common cause of fibroids is usually due to excess body weight. By exercising regularly you will be able to maintain your ideal body weight. Moderate form of physical exercise also ensures regular ovulation. Irregular ovulation can worsen your fibroids and its symptoms.

Fibroids are caused to due multiple factors. Hence using a comprehensive plan which aims to eliminate each and every cause in a systematic manner is the best option of treatment for uterine fibroids. Natural uterine fibroid treatment methods combine diet alterations, lifestyle changes and herbal medication to treat fibroids. I got rid of my fibroid with the help of one such natural plan developed by an alternate practitioner. Although the plan took some time to produce results, it gave me permanent relief from fibroids naturally.

Menopause and PMS Symptom Management

Many women suffering from peri, pre, menopausal and post-menopausal and PMS discomforts have been left with few viable and safe alternatives following the shocking news that traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may cause many of the diseases it was thought to prevent such as breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and dementia.

Flax hull lignans should come as welcome relief to these women. Flax hull lignans are comprised of plant-based, nutrient-like compounds called lignans containing powerful chemicals call phytoestrogens that have demonstrated the ability to address symptoms of menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

Just when many women began to lose hope of finding a safe and effective means to address menopause and PMS symptoms, Flax Hull Lignans have emerged as a new self-care solution that can provide real and lasting benefits. The ideal supplier of flax hull lignans should be produced using the most exacting procedures. It's best if the supplier has a guaranteed for purity and potency and the most effective flax hull lignans will have the highest degree of flax hull lignans available. Because flax hull lignans can be hard to eat raw or may ruin the taste of food encapsulated form is often preferred. There can be found flax hull ligan capsules with 700mg per or as low as 200mg per capsule, so it is important to check the label and look for the highest bioavailabity of SDG lignan (Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside) or lignan amount.

As all women present menopause symptoms that vary in per-day number and intensity dose levels of between one and six 700mg capsules per day are recommended. Even if you are categorized as among those (15% of women of menopausal age) diagnosed with severe or very severe symptoms, a bottle of 180 700mg capsules should provide a full one-month supply of relief even for the most severe symptoms management.

You should look for a distributor whose flax hull liganas are harvested from the choicest, fresh flaxseed preferably grown in the U.S. with flaxseeds that have never been subjected to the genetic molecular manipulation common to flaxseed grown and promoted as "natural" in other parts of the world.

Not only are flax lignans effective, the phytoestrogen rich lignans in flax hull lignans do not pose the potential health risks of traditional HRT.

How they work.

Lignans, strongly resembling the feminizing hormone estrogen in physical structure, act as a surrogate to estrogen when production in the ovaries begins to wane (pre, peri and post menopause). Furthermore, lignans have an estrogen balancing effect (especially important to aging women) and help to stabilize the rise and fall of hormone levels (of younger women) during their monthly cycle.

Added Protection from them.

Unlike powerful forms of prescription and/or animal derived HRT such as Premarin (Pregnant Mares Urine) and Prempro, the gentle plant-based lignans do not propagate hormonally induced cancers such as those of the breast, ovary or endometrium.

The really good news about FemFlax is that not only does it safely and effectively manage menopause and PMS symptoms; it also acts as a barrier against the first-time growth, proliferation, or regeneration of cancerous breast cells.

Menopause and Constipation - How to Treat Menopause and Constipation

Women, like it or not will get to stage in their lives when all that matters is for them to be able to get some sleep without having to wake in the middle of the night with hot flashes. Once a woman gets close to her menopausal age, she can start expecting incidences such as increased heart rate, unexplainable depression, cold sweats at night and sudden hot flashes. During this period also, she can find it very hard to have bowel movements. When this occurs, she's said to have both menopause and constipation.

The terrible combination of menopause and constipation occur frequently in women approaching their late forties and early fifties. This is as a result of the body's inability to produce estrogen. This hormone's production reduces with an increase in age in women.

Apart from menopause and constipation, there are various experiences a woman can have as she approaches the age of menopause. Some of these are depressions, insomnia, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, anxiety, headaches, aches in the joints, mood swings et.c. All these problems can be solved. In this article however, we'll be looking strictly at menopause and constipation. How are the two incidents related? Do they occur concurrently or is it just happenstance? If you are woman, are you starting to think something must definitely be very wrong with you because as soon as one symptom leaves another shows up?

Menopause and constipation occur in women of age as a result of the GIT's tendency to slow down on its food digestion processes. So you find some women may end up losing appetite more and more as they approach menopause while others eat a lot more. Women at the stage of menopause hardly feel comfortable at all. With all the stress, pains, discomfort, depression, something has got to give. Part of what gives is usually nothing less than the bowels refusing to function maximally. The reasons are not farfetched. Eating under so much stress can cause you to eat the wrong foods. For those who eat a lot, they develop compulsive eating habits which aren't exactly helping matters at that period as the food they eat would end up causing indigestion for them.

When considering options for menopause and constipation, it is best really, to opt for herbal tonic. These help improve bowel movement and at the same time improve the general healthy of the individual. Laxatives may at this point not work well with the system as it is bound to have some side effects like intensive cramping. This would be needless as she cannot bear to add more troubles to her already delicate state. For more clarity, it is best to check in with the doctor before taking any over-the-counter prescription.

Digestive tonics important in the case of menopause and constipation are a huge benefit as they can be slow-acting when compared to laxatives. Unfortunately, people think because digestive tonics are slow-acting they are not efficient. Wrong! As matter of fact, the reason it is best for someone suffering from a combined state of menopause and constipation is because it doesn't hasten the process required for more bowel movements and hence, there is no abdominal cramp resulting from the fast action of laxatives.

Menopause Relief - Natural Remedies and Treatment That You Should Know

The side effects of menopause or pre-menopause can be very debilitating for any woman that is why natural supplements are recommended as a treatment to menopause symptoms and to provide relief. Generally women experience hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, irregular menstrual periods, incontinence, headaches, memory lapses, lack of concentration etc as symptoms of menopause. Some woman pass their menopause without facing any of these effects and while some face a torrid time facing few or all of these symptoms during menopause.

Certain herbal and natural supplements have been found to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of menopause to pass the troublesome duration with some ease. Mostly the fluctuating hormone levels are the root cause for most of the problems during menopause and particularly lack of estrogen hormone. Inclusion of soy beans in the diet and isoflavanes helps the body in making up the lack of estrogen production. Soy beans at least 50g per diet is recommended to control hot flashes, vaginal dryness and night sweats during menopause. Consumption of black cohosh is very safe and helpful in treating hot flashes and night sweats. St. john's wort treats mild depression with great effect, it is recommended to not to use this natural supplement along with anti-depressants as it can interfere with their effects.

Beet root juice 90 ml twice a day relieves symptoms and effects of menopause, carrot seeds boiled in cow's milk for 20 minutes and later consumed along with the remaining milk also provide relief from various side effects of menopause. All type of fruits also contributes in relieving the symptoms of menopause and particularly fruits rich in calcium are extremely helpful. Women tend to develop deficiency of calcium in the body during menopause which makes her body prone to osteoporosis, good supply of calcium will keep this problem at bay. Red clover extracts are another good source of calcium and rich source of phytoestrogens.

Ginseng has been used for improving general well being and is also helpful during menopause for alleviating its symptoms. Studies show that ginseng may not provide any relief from hot flashes but certainly increases the feeling of well being in the woman. Overall it is effective in providing good overall health. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera is another old trusted natural supplement which has excellent properties to maintain and establish hormonal balance. The effects of this natural compound controls mood swings, promotes sleep and relieve vaginal dryness by maintaining the minimum level of estrogen hormone in the body of menopausal woman.

In the body of menopausal woman the secretion of prolactin hormone gets increased which causes severe and fluctuating hormonal imbalance causing mood swings, dryness and other problems. Use of chasteberry as a natural supplement in the diet helps the body in inhibiting the harmful effect of this hormone during menopause. Evening primrose oil is also recommended during menopause for relief but clinically it is not proven if it can be effective treatment. It is suggested for breast pain relief, bladder symptoms and menopausal symptoms.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Menopause and Vaginal Atrophy

Menopause is the period that ends a woman's reproductive phase. Menopause begins at the end of menstruation. Over time, the ovaries gradually lose the ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. As estrogen production decreases, ovulation and menstruation occur very often, and eventually stop. Menstruation can be stopped early due to illness or a hysterectomy. In these cases we speak demenopausia induced.

Symptoms of menopause
The symptoms of menopause different women. Some experience symptoms that her friends never suffer. The duration and severity of symptoms varies. Lamenopausia is a natural part of life for all women suffer, some more difficult than others. But one thing that all women have in common is the ability to identify options to deal with their menopausal symptoms. Around the Western world 12% of women experience no menopausal symptoms, and about 14% experience high rate of physical or emotional problems.

Causes of vaginal atrophy
The vagina is composed of an inner layer of stratified squamous epithelium, a middle wall muscle and a fibrous outer layer. Before menopause, the presence of endogenous estrogen, the vagina is characterized by thick rough surface, increased blood flow and vaginal lubrication.

Decreased estrogen levels
Vaginal atrophy is commonly associated with declining estrogen levels that accompanies menopause (spontaneous or induced) and aging. The decrease of estrogen levels is also associated with atrophy of the vulva and lower urinary tract, commonly referred to as urogenital atrophy. The term describes vaginal atrophy vaginal walls as thin, pale, dry and sometimes inflamed (eg. Atrophic vaginitis). When normal levels of circulating estrogen in premenopausal decline during perimenopause or after induced menopause, the vagina shortens and narrows. The vaginal walls may show small petechiae (ie, round spots, not bulbous, red-purple bleeding caused by intradermal or submucosal) and becomes thinner (often only a few cell layers thick), less elastic, and progressively smoother in the folds fall more rugged. Vaginal blood flow decreases.

Herbal Cures For Menopause

Here are some herbal supplements that may be prescribed to help reduce the symptoms related to menopause:

1. Chaste Tree tablets:These tablets promote a healthy, natural balance to the female endocrine system. They also support the female reproductive system health. The suggested use for these tablets is: 1 tablet daily on rising.

2. Tribulus tablets: These tablets can help to provide good relief from the discomfort due to menopause. They help to maintain feelings of general well being and support normal female functions. The suggested use for Tribulus tablets is 1 tablet 2 to 4 times every day.

3. Tablets of Wild Yam Complex: These tablets provide relief from the discomfort related to menopause. The consumption of these tablets helps maintain feelings of general wellness. Balance and support the normal female physiology. These tablets also assist to calm down the nerves and help to restore the balance in temporary mood swings. Suggested use for these tablets is: 1 tablet 3 to 4 times every day.

4. Drenamin supplies: This is mainly Adrenal Protomorphogen extracts.
Adrenal support is very important due to its role in estrogen and progesterone production.

5. Vitamin C complex - The glands of the adrena store and use high amounts of vitamin C. The quantity of the dose varies with the age.

6. Symplex F supplies: These provide support for the adrenals, pituitary, thyroid and ovaries using Protomorphogen extracts.
Suggested use of Symplex F supplies is: 3 tablets daily.

7. Betacol: It provides the nutritional support which is necessary for the liver to improve the clearance of exogenous hormones. This composition includes inositol, betaine hydrochloride, choline and disodium phosphate. It helps to facilitate the bile flow and production. Suggested use for betacol is: two capsules per day.

8. Wheat Germ Oil Fortified suppliesor Wheat Germ Oil:A super rich source of fat soluble minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin E. It is also a good source of sex hormone precursors. The Suggested use of wheat germ oil supplies is: 5 perles per day.

These Herbal products are widely available in the western countries and can also be purchased over the Internet. The chances of side effects are very less but it is advisable to consult a doctor before using any of these herbal products for the treatment of menopause related issues to help relieve the discomfort and other menopause symptoms.

Side Effects of Menopause - 3 Psychological Effects on Women

Menopause is not only a physical factor, but also a thing of the mind. Cessation of menses sends some signals and concern to most women, particularly those that are not or properly informed about the subjecting energy. We are not just bodies, we are spirits as well. Just as what goes on in our minds can affect our bodies, so also can what goes on inside our bodies affect our minds. This is especially true of women.

Here are various ways menopause can affect women's health psychologically:

Psychological effects of menopause 1: Change in Temperament
For many women, menopause is accompanied by a sudden change in temperament. They become irritable and hot-tempered. They feel that their husbands no longer have interest in them like before. They feel that they are no longer as attractive as before. It is very important for men to understand their wives as they pass through this stage. Often, men do not understand what their wives are going through. This creates a lot of tension and division in the families.

Psychological effects of menopause 2: Feeling of Depression, Anxiety and Nervousness
Menopausal women often experience depression, anxiety and nervousness. This could be caused by a consciousness that they are ageing. Some scientists have proposed that oestrogen nurture both the mind and body. Hence, a decline in oestrogen may result in depression, forgetfulness and nervousness. What ever may be the cause, it is important to assure menopausal women that there is hope.

Psychological effects of menopause 3: Menopause as Sign of Old Age
Most women see menopause as a sign of ageing, being out of fashion and saying good bye to beauty. It brings some women face to face with the agility of the husband at the time of menopause. Since the duration of men's sexual strength is longer than that of women, some women at menopause develop the fear of losing their husband to ever-ready, desperate but exotic ladies on the street. Realizing these may precipitate variety of fears associated with menopause.

Other Psychological Effects of Menopause on Women are:
* Fear of death,
* Fear of the unknown
* Fear of dependence on Children
* Fear of loneliness and Helplessness
* Fear of failure of physical and financial resources
* Fear of loss of husband's attention, care and love.

Menopausal Vaginal Dryness & Natural Supplements

Menopause is a fact of life. Many women who are in the menopausal stage, or even the perimenopausal stage, experience vaginal dryness. An essential point to bear in mind is while menopause is completely natural; the symptoms that often accompany it are also natural.

This does not mean you must cope with symptoms without help. What it does mean is natural forms of treatment are almost always the best.

Menopausal vaginal dryness is caused by your estrogen levels consistently declining throughout this stage in your life. The vaginal walls start to become dryer and thinner. This can result in basic discomfort and sometimes even pain during normal sexual intercourse.

In the past, menopausal symptoms were often treated with hormone replacement therapy, known as HRT. Unfortunately, too many women and physicians today continue to believe HRT is the most appropriate form of treatment. Women who do not need HRT are given it anyway, even though it can result in serious health problems.

Hormone replacement therapy can significantly increase a woman's risk of developing cancer and other serious conditions. This is because HRT is unnatural, and many women's bodies simply do not react well to it. In most cases, there is no legitimate reason to rely on a potentially-dangerous treatment when there is a much more positive, healthier alternative.

Natural supplements are considerably different from unnatural HRT. First, the all-natural ingredients found in these supplements have been shown to produce positive results. Although not every woman will gain the same results, many find them to be more than satisfactory.

Second, there is nothing in a natural supplement to cause side effects, or lead to any short-term or long-term health issues. Unlike HRT, they are completely safe for women who decide to use them. This means you can have the additional benefit of knowing you are using a product that has been proven to be safe.

While vaginal dryness is a common problem for many menopausal women, it is far from being the only problem associated with menopause. Women can experience hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and a general feeling of tiredness and poor health. Whichever symptoms you personally experience, you want relief as quickly as possible.

Even if your particular symptoms are severe, you should not be tempted to think unnatural treatment is your only option. Natural supplements will not only help to relieve your symptoms, they can also be a boost for your general state of health. When you choose to use a completely natural product, you will feel better and healthier. It can make an amazing difference in your everyday life.

While some women do need medical assistance for their menopausal difficulties, most do not. If you opt for a natural alternative, the symptoms can be relieved. You can look forward to the rest of your life with a positive outlook and good health.

Loss of Libido During Peri-Menopause: Get Your Sex Drive Back Naturally

Loss of libido or low sex drive may affect up to 40 percent of women and is actually very common during peri-menopause. For a woman who is experiencing a lack of sexual desire during peri-menopause, this article may set her mind at ease in knowing that she may be helped and that she is not alone. By understanding what her body is going through, this article may offer some natural solutions. It is very important for a woman to understand an open, honest dialogue with her partner may help. Other signs and symptoms of menopause are vaginal dryness as well as irritation. These symptoms maybe linked to loss of libido.

The Cause of Low Sex Drive
Like most menopausal symptoms, a lack of sexual desire is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. A reduction in the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone may be responsible for a reduction of a woman's sexual drive as well as loss of energy. Other factors may also be responsible for this common symptom of peri-menopause. There may be a physical cause such as sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness or a hysterectomy. A psychological cause may be from stress or concerns about growing older. It may be that relationship problems, such as a lack of any meaningful intimate communication may contribute to or exacerbate the situation.

How to treat low sex drive naturally is a personal choice. Loss of libido may be treated with various methods. Lifestyle changes including diet as well as exercise may help, not only for loss of libido, but also for anxiety and stress as well.

Recommended Treatments:

  • Bio-identical Hormone-Natural Progesterone Cream

  • Acupuncture

  • Herbal Remedies

Recommended Foods:

  • Kidney beans, liver, red meat and oysters (zinc)

  • Buckwheat, almonds, leafy greens (magnesium)

  • Dairy, nut, fish (protein)

  • Soy milk, tofu (soy products for vegetarians)

Recommended Exercises:

  • Yoga for relaxation and flexibility

  • Kegel exercises strengthen the vaginal muscles

  • Aerobics for circulation and heart health

  • Stretching for stress relief, relaxation and improved muscle tone

Boost your libido with Progesterone

Progesterone is an important hormone in maintaining the sexual health of a woman. The levels of progesterone significantly decline, as women transition into menopause. This decline of hormones causes fatigue, irregular periods and other symptoms of menopause. Loss of libido or low sex drive is probably the most difficult symptom for a woman to deal with during her change of life. An unpleasant drawback is it may cause relationship problems, unless each partner understands the cause may be a decline of progesterone. Bio-identical natural progesterone is the choice for many women and men. The woman's partner may feel rejected. The woman may feel unattractive and withdraw. Talking to each other and discussing anxieties and fears may ease the emotional side effects. Counseling may be beneficial to both partners.

Natural Ways For Treating Low Libido or Loss of Libido

Three approaches should be considered when treating low libido or loss of libido. These are lifestyle changes, natural progesterone cream or drug therapy. Naturopathic doctors recommend a stepladder approach to all health issues. It is always recommended to start with the safest option before progressing to the next level of treatment. Lifestyle changes involve minimal risk but a lot of self-discipline. Simple lifestyle changes have been proven to improve your health. Treatments such as herbal remedies, natural progesterone cream along with diet and exercise, is the safest initial approach before using prescription drugs. Always start with one safe natural treatment and see how effective it is before you use HRT drug therapy. An alternative approach involves no risk and a very effective way in treating lack of sex drive. It might involve a few different therapies.

A popular approach is herbal remedies and bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical Natural Progesterone Cream with Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry is very popular with health care professional and is used by women of all ages. Alternative remedies may be effective, safer than drugs and a valuable option. A natural progesterone cream is the only practical option for treating a hormonal imbalance right at its own source. Natural progesterone cream is the only natural remedy that addresses the cause of hormone imbalance. The source of hormone imbalance is the ratio of estrogen to progesterone and the general decline of all hormones.

Hormone estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), is another option for women who are suffering with a low sex drive. There are certain risks involve with estrogen hormone replacement therapy such as an increased chance for developing certain cancers in women. Now, there are clinically proven options for HRT that are safe and effective. Natural progesterone cream is a bio-identical hormone cream that gently balances hormones and provides relief from many menopause symptoms including loss of libido. A woman does not have to feel that a low sex Drive and loss of libido is a problem that is going to stay with her for the rest of her life. By understanding that this is actually a very normal condition that happens in every woman's life, she may relax in the knowledge that she has help and options. The milestone stages of ever women's life begin with the start of her menstruation, childbearing years, perimenopausal years and they end with Menopause. Each stage needs to be embraced and empowered. Natural progesterone cream helps women restore their natural balance and restore their libido, increase desire and increase happiness.

This is for education only. It is not intended to treat, prevent or cure a medical disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult a health care professional.

10 Natural Tips For Menopause Symptom Relief

As I made the journey from premenopause to menopause, I was one of the 'lucky' ones to experience dozens of seemingly unrelated symptoms. As I went from one specialist to another, none of them connected the dots, leaving me scared and frustrated. Eventually, after a lot of research, I discovered that most of these symptoms were actually hormone-related. Here are a few simple tips to help you find relief from specific symptoms.

One: Breast Pain- Bras are your friend
Silly though you may feel at first, wearing a comfortable bra that supports the weight of your breasts 24 hours a day will make you a lot more comfortable. Wearing a stretched out bra or one that is the wrong size can also contribute to your pain. Get fitted for a good supporting daytime bra, and perhaps a sports bra for overnight.

Two: Dry Eyes - Keep the fans off
Wind can irritate the eyes. Even while sleeping, a fan blowing on you can dry out your eyes, so you wake up with the lids all gluey.

Three: Back and Neck Pain - Get a Smaller Pocketbook
This is no joke. You may be dragging five to 10 pounds on your shoulder. If you're beginning to experience shoulder/neck pain, try switching to a mini-pocketbook for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference. Whatever doesn't fit can be carried in two hands. You're lugging around way too much stuff anyway!

Four: Migraines - Elimination of Migraine Triggers
Often, migraines are caused by external triggers that, once reduced or eliminated, can provide you with immense relief. This list contains common triggers for migraine. However, you may not be bothered by some of these items, but others not on the list may give you a whopping headache. For instance, I've gotten a migraine after sitting next to someone with strong perfume or even eating salad dressing with vinegar in it! When looking for these triggers, you want to think back over the past few hours before a headache started to figure out what may have triggered the headache. If you find a consistent source, you can then eliminate it. For instance, lanolin in hand cream can trigger a migraine for me.

  • Becoming overtired

  • Missed meals/letting your blood sugar fluctuate

  • Bright lights and/or loud noise

  • MSG

  • Foods

  • Chocolate

  • Red wine and other alcohol

  • Foods with nitrates (bacon, deli food)

  • Moldy cheeses

Five: Skin care - Petroleum Jelly
Use plain, old petroleum jelly as a hand/elbow moisturizer. I'm very chemically sensitive, and after trying skin cream after skin cream, I discovered that plain old petroleum jelly worked wonders on my elbows and hands. People think they have to spend lots of money (for lots of ingredients... many of which do more harm than good), but the simple solutions listed above can really help.

Six: Vaginal Irritation - No perfume
Perfumed menstrual pads, soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener, even dryer sheets can irritate the vagina. Most products have an unscented version. You can find unscented versions of Purex laundry detergent, Downy fabric softener, and All dryer sheets.

Weight Gain (Four Tips)

Seven: Dump the Salt
It makes you retain water, causing bloating, increases high blood pressure, plus it contributes to excessive calcium loss, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, salt is prevalent in so many processed foods. Adding it is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Learn to use spices, instead, to flavor your foods.

Eight: Recognizing the Big Lies
It's a lie that all your problems will be solved if you were only thin. Everyone has problems. Eating over them only distracts you with yet another problem... so now you have two problems. I used to diet and lose weight, only to find that as soon as I got thin, I still had problems. And then, I'd start eating again. All being thin and sane with food with do is give you a level playing field with which to face your life.

It's a lie that if you cannot keep from binging on a certain food today that you will be able to do so tomorrow. OK, maybe not tomorrow. But likely eventually, you will most likely find yourself out of control again.

Nine: Artificial sweeteners make you fat!
First off, look at a packet of Sweet & Low. Notice anything? The second ingredient is dextrose, which is just another name for sugar. Artificial sweeteners seem to be the mainstay of many dieting women. However, it can not only increase cravings tremendously, but can cause bloating. And this is aside from the other horrific health dangers of sweeteners such as Aspartame (NutraSweet), which is contained in many diet products (especially sodas and chewing gum).

If you are having uncontrollable cravings, try giving up artificial sweeteners for two weeks. I must warn you that the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable. Women don't realize how addicting these substances are. While you may feel that you cannot survive without the sweet taste of "something," you will definitely find that foods such as carrots and fruit will taste infinitely sweeter once your palate is cleaned out. If you must have some sweetener, try the herb Stevia, instead. However, as with all non-FDA-approved products, become educated. There is controversy even surrounding this natural sweetener.

Ten: No more alcohol
Alcohol is nothing more than refined flour and sugar. It's either fermented from fruit or grain, or distilled from fruit or grain. It's terrible for perimenopausal skin, not to mention what it does to your liver, etc. During perimenopause, you need to find ways to become more, not less, balanced and focused, which alcohol will definitely impair.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Best Natural Menopause Relief Options - Are They Effective?

Menopause relief sometimes is how a woman might view this time of life and mentally, some toughness in this area is required. There's either two ways menopause can be viewed; as a disease or as a natural stage in a woman's life. Choosing the latter means coping with it will become a heck of a lot easier.

In a nutshell, menopause means a woman's body is slowing down estrogen production while the reproductive system begins to close it's doors. There's nothing sinister about that. It's just nature doing her job but looking at it as from a perspective of it being the end of the world will do nothing for one's ability to fully cope with the symptoms. So preparing mentally is part of the menopause relief equation.

Menopause Relief

In the US alone, close to 4 million women enter the early stages of menopause each year. It's a natural stage in a woman's life but despite any physical symptoms associated with it, mentally, a woman must not only handle menopause but also be prepared. Preparation may be anything from understanding what it is and how it will effect them. The problem is, when confronted with it at an earlier age, the general reaction will usually be one of..."don't want to talk about it!"

The Benefits Of HRT

A lot has been said and discussed about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy as a menopause relief option. The fact remains, it is still the most logical option available from a medical standpoint and shouldn't be dismissed. The detractors will tell you sometimes the solution is worse than the condition and sure, research indicates there is a chance HRT can create other complications but unless you are prepared to try other options, then as a relief mechanism to the symptoms of menopause, it should be considered.

There is no hard and fast rule that says HRT is compulsory, it's still up to an individual to decide if it's the right course of action but discussing it's benefits and non benefits with your doctor makes sense.

The Benefits Of Natural Menopause Relief

Combatting the symptoms of menopause will vary from woman to woman. Natural therapy options have come to the fore in recent years and the move to natural as an alternative to synthetic has really gathered momentum. Hot flashes, mood swings, irritability and insomnia form part of the stable of symptoms attributed to menopause and once upon a time, HRT was about the only available relief option.

Not anymore as natural remedies have surfaced in numbers but be careful, you still need to sort the "wheat from the chaff" and will need proper guidance from a qualified expert or from someone who has actually gained good relief benefits from using natural-based products.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy - Menopause Symptom Relief Without Side Effects

If you are pre-menopausal or in menopause and are experiencing unpleasant symptoms because of a decrease in hormone production, you might want to think about taking natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT), which is made up of non-synthetic hormones that are derived from plant sources.

Natural hormones, also called "bio-natural" or "human iso-molecular," are chemically the same as the ones the human body produces. Synthetic hormones are manufactured with a chemical structure that is foreign to the human body but mimics some hormonal activity.

Examples of bio-naturals include Estriol, DHEA, Biest, Progesterone, Triest, and Testosterone. Synthetic examples include birth control pills, Premarin, Prempro, Climara, Estratab, and Estratest. NHRT is not new. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.

NHRT has been available commercially since the 1980s. More and more women are choosing to use NHRT rather than synthetic treatments because synthetic hormones can cause side effects and have been shown to cause uterine and breast cancer. In addition, they are often ineffective.

Natural hormone replacement therapy can provide you with relief of a variety of pre-menopause and menopause symptoms, including:

  • Eliminating or reducing hot flashes

  • Improving concentration and memory

  • Preventing vaginal thinning and dryness

  • Improving skin elasticity and prevent thinning of skin

  • Preventing bone loss

  • Increasing energy

  • Reducing symptoms of depression

  • Promoting fat burning

  • Reducing sleep difficulties

  • Enhancing sex drive and libido

  • Improving blood flow

Natural hormone replacement therapy treatment can be delivered in capsule, gel caps or tablet form. You can also take delivery through mouth sprays, lozenges or drops, injections, patches, suppositories or implants. You can find many doctors who can prescribe NHRT where you live.