Saturday, June 8, 2013

Menopause Sweats and Hot Flashes - The Important Things to Know and How to Get Relief

Menopause sweats and hot flashes are one of the first signs that you are approaching menopause.

You know you are beginning to approach menopause when you begin to experience several key symptoms. These symptoms are your best evidence that you are beginning the transition out of your reproductive years and that you have entered perimenopause. These symptoms mean that you are now approaching menopause, the cessation of your menstrual periods.

Transitioning into menopause is a unique experience for each woman. However similarities among women's experiences allow the symptoms of this transition to be categorized into 11 broad categories. These categories are used by researchers to study menopausal symptoms. They are incorporated into an assessment questionnaire called the Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS).

The 11 categories of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms are:
1) hot flashes (HF) and sweating,
2) heart complaints,
3) sleep disturbances,
4) depressive mood,
5) irritability,
6) anxiety,
7) physical and mental exhaustion,
8) sexual problems,
9) urinary tract complaints
10) vaginal dryness and
11) joint and muscle complaints.

Menopause sweats and other symptoms begin during perimenopause.

Menopausal symptoms begin with perimenopause which usually starts after age 40, but can start as early as age 35. Perimenopause is the time period approaching menopause. At menopause (when your menstrual periods stop) your ovaries stop releasing eggs. The time from when you start having menopausal symptoms until your periods stop can last as little as one to two years, but for most women it lasts an average of five years. The symptoms of menopause often intensify during the two years immediately before menopause. This is when the drop in ovarian hormone secretion speeds up.

Your first clues that you are entering perimenopause:

Hot flashes (HF)

Hot flashes and sweats are the most common and bothersome complaint of women approaching menopause. They frequently begin up to five years before periods stop and can last for another five years after. Nearly 80% of women suffer hot flashes (HF) to some degree during the transition into menopause. 30% of women report HF to be severe enough to significantly disrupt their quality of life. In 10% of women HF are experienced up to ten years after their menstrual periods stop. HF affect 75% of women over age 50.

At the onset, hot flashes often occur just before or during menstrual periods. They can range from mild, to severe and debilitating. They are often described as a sudden wave of heat moving through the body, from the chest to the neck, face and scalp. The skin of the neck and face can flush red. HF can also be experienced across the breasts, below the breasts, or as a surge of heat over the entire body. The wave of heat is generally followed sweating. This sweating can range from light perspiration to heavy sweating and chills. Intense hot flashes may also be associated with a racing heart, tingling in the hands, and nausea.

Night Sweats

Night sweats are an extension of hot flashes (HF), experienced at night while trying to sleep. At the culmination of a HF one begins to perspire. At night time this is experienced as sweating which can be so severe that one wakes up drenched in perspiration. These night time HF tend to disrupt sleep. Problems with sleeping is another symptom of perimenopause and menopause, that may be a direct result of night sweats, sleep problems, fatigue and problems with memory. All of these complaints are thought to be associated with declines in the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone. The severity of these complaints seems to be in direct proportion to the severity and frequency of hot flashes.

Natural remedies for menopause sweats and hot flashes

Our current understanding is that menopause sweats and hot flashes are caused by dropping levels of estrogen. Unfortunately hormone replacement therapy--replacing the estrogen that the ovaries are not making--has potentially severe side effects. The two most dangerous are breast cancer and heart disease.

Molecules resembling estrogen in structure and function are also found in nature. These are called phytoestrogens (phyto=plant). That is to say these molecules are found in plants. The phytoestrogens found in plants are not all the same. The type and amount varies from one species of plant to another. Some of these are soy (soy beans, soy products such as tofu), red clover, kudzu, fennel, anise and black cohosh.

Research findings on the effectiveness of herbs containing phytoestrogens varies from herb to herb. For instance black cohosh is used widely for its purported benefits. However while some research studies document its effectiveness, others clearly do not. A recent meta-analysis of the benefit of herbal remedies for relief of night sweats and hot flashes found that on average they provided up to 45% relief.

One herbal remedy for hot flashes and sweats that researchers find more effective than 45% is an extract of Siberian rhubarb root. To date four clinical studies have demonstrated its benefits for virtually all menopausal complaints but particularly hot flashes and night sweats. One study found that Siberian rhubarb root extract relieved hot flashes and sweats by 75% compared to placebo.

Hormone replacement therapy is no longer the option of choice for relief of menopausal complaints. The risk factors associated with HRT are too great for it to be a casual decision. Yet menopause symptoms can be serious enough to significantly disrupt quality of life, and thus must be addressed.

It is important to remember that hormone replacement therapy is a misnomer. What modern medicine calls hormone replacement is not truly that. It is replacing the body's hormones with drugs. In the case of estrogen from pregnant mare's urine (Premarin) it is replacing human estrogens with horse estrogens. No wonder there are side effects. The benefits of real (bio-identical) hormone replacement therapy has yet to be explored by modern medicine. In the meantime menopause sweats and hot flashes can be effectively treated with some newly emerging herbal remedies.

Bleeding After Menopause? You Need To See Your Doctor

If you are certain that you have experienced menopause, which means that you have not had a menstrual period for at least six consecutive months, then you should look at any vaginal bleeding with concern. Bleeding after menopause is not normal, and if you are spotting, you should arrange to see your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Bleeding after menopause can be a sign of a serious problem like cancer of the uterus or cervix; it may not be either in your case, but you will not know unless you have it examined.

Sometimes bleeding after menopause occurs in those who are using hormone replacements to alleviate the severity of their menopausal symptoms, and sometimes it happens it will happen because of intercourse, but it should be checked any time it starts.

Surgical Menopause

Women who have had either complete or partial hysterectomies in which their ovaries were removed are in the same physiological state as those women who have completed menopause, and should not experience bleeding any longer than a month after their surgeries. Any bleeding which does occur may be a surgical consequence and requires immediate attention from their doctors.
If it's Not Cancer, What Is It?

When your doctor examines you for bleeding after menopause, he or she will consider your previous history to see if you had any recent surgery which might account for the bleeding. Bleeding after menopause can indicate the presence of uterine fibroid tumors or polyps; many women experience benign uterine growths after menopause; and your gynecologist will perform a uterine exam to see if they are responsible for your bleeding after menopause. The exam for uterine growths is not much different from a standard PAP smear, except that it requires a slender telescope instead of a speculum. Your doctor will take tissue samples of anything unusual for biopsy.

Hormone Replacement Can Be The Culprit

One of the most common causes of bleeding after menopause is that many women cannot properly adjust to their hormone replacement therapy. If that is your problem, your doctor will very probably reduce the dosage of your hormones unless surgery is absolutely necessary to stop the bleeding. And if you are postmenopausal but still taking birth control pills for some reason, the hormones they contain can cause bleeding after menopause.

Sexually active women who develop bleeding after menopause should try to determine whether the sex act itself is injuring them in some way and accounting for the bleeding after menopause. A weakening of the vaginal walls is one off the aftereffects of menopause, and it could be the reason for the bleeding.

Mind Over Menopause Is New Mantra for Women in Mid-Life

Move over, "mind over matter." We have a new mantra for women in mid-life. It's not just a catch-phrase, though. It's a state of being created by creative visualization and relaxation (CVR) sessions designed for women who are enduring menopause.

For many women, mid-life can be a time of uncertainty and loss. At the same time, the body's response to the decrease in hormones can create any number of physical symptoms. Loved ones start to ask, "What happened to the caring, loving woman we once knew?" Now you can reclaim that woman, along with all the strength, confidence, and wisdom you gained in the first half of your life.

The physical symptoms of menopause can include hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, itchy skin, mood swings, lost libido, headaches and irregular cycles, to name just of few. Bad as those symptoms are, though, they can pale next to the depression and anxiety caused by loss of fertility and the perceived loss of youth.

While CVR certainly doesn't stop menopause, it can help women better cope with both the mental and physical symptoms of the change. Women can use creative visualization and relaxation to help balance their mood, harness positive mental energy and use their innate creative power to produce much-needed balance in their lives during this time of change and uncertainty. They can stop focusing on what they've lost and discover all they've gained.

The effectiveness of creative visualization is strengthened when combined with another highly-effective mind technology known as brain entrainment. Brain entrainment devices feature glasses and earphones that deliver finely-tuned light and sound frequencies to synchronize the left and right sides of the brain and produce full-spectrum brainwave activity for a deeply relaxing experience.

CVR sessions and light and sound machines are the total package, helping women in their mid-life make peace with their bodies. They transport women's minds into the deepest meditative states, magnifying the effect of the binaural beats and allowing users to achieve better results in far less time.

That may sound too good to be true, but the truth is that women experience quick relief from the emotional and physical rigors of menopause. A 20-mintue session of brain entrainment is also equal to four hours of sleep...a blessing for women who have been kept awake by hot flashes and headaches. They are also simple to use, since leading brain entrainment machines plug into any MP3 player. Most importantly, when used in combination with CVR audio sessions, light and sound machines get women's lives back in balance and eliminate the symptoms of menopause.

With sessions that focus on topics like mastering the physical changes of menopause, creating harmony with the cycles of life and tips for quick menopausal relief, CVR sessions designed for a woman's change of life really do place "mind over menopause."

Whether women feel overwhelmed by the physical or the emotional aspects of menopause-or both-CVR can help them regain balance in their lives and thrive in this new life season. Women will learn to view menopause as a rite of passage, one that gives them confidence and inner worth. They'll discover that mid-life can bring forth a whole new them that's been there all along just waiting to blossom.

Progesterone is Critical During Menopause, Find Out Why

Do women going through menopause have lowered levels of progesterone?

Recent research tells us that women do suffer from decreased levels of progesterone and also experience other symptoms such as unexplained weight gain (particularly in the stomach area), depression, fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, mood swings, migraines and loss of libido. A natural cream can balance estrogens without side effects.

Progesterone and estrogen are the two main hormones made by women's ovaries when they are menstruating. Smaller amounts of these hormones are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It's necessary for the survival of the fertilized ovum, its embryo as well as the fetus during gestation.

Progesterone's primary functions include: acting as a precursor to estrogen and testosterone; it maintains uterine lining and aids in gestation; protects against fibrocystic breasts, endometrial and breast cancer; acts as a natural diuretic, helps use fat for energy; can be a natural antidepressant; aids thyroid hormone action; normalizes blood clotting; restores sex drive; normalizes blood sugar, zinc and copper levels; restores proper cell oxygen levels, has a thermogenic effect; builds bone and helps to protects against osteoporosis.

Some doctors feel that menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and heart disease may not be due to a deficiency of estrogen, but to a relative estrogen excess due to progesterone deficiency.

Synthetic progestins, such as an HRT drug called Provera (a synthetic chemical), do not have the same biological effects as natural progesterone and have been known to cause side effects including: fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, stroke, jaundice, blood clotting, and cervical erosions.

On the other hand, natural progesterone has no known side effects and has been found to be helpful in alleviating symptoms such as PMS and hot flashes. It has also been credited with helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Many doctors now prescribe for women in menopause the use of a low-dose, natural progesterone cream during the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle. The cream is easily absorbed into thin-skin areas such as the breasts, inner arms, neck or belly by the subcutaneous fat and then released into the bloodstream. You should be careful of the dosage level in these products. Some may have none to very little and others provide 20-30 mg in an average application. It's always best to first check with a doctor.

Sage Helps Menopausal Women Rid Of Headaches and Harmful Toxins

If you are getting chronic migraines as a side effect of menopause then you may want to consider making some long term adjustments in your daily schedule. Yes you can take a pain killer every time you feel the onset of a headache, but why not get to the root of the problem? You are getting these headaches because of unbalanced chemicals in your body. You can't have an effect without a cause. Finding out the cause of your headaches and nurturing the problem will free you from those chronic migraines WITHOUT adding chemicals to your body. Pain killers only temporarily solve the problem; while taking a daily supplement for your menopause would help you avoid all the side effects associated with the life stage. One particularly helpful ingredient to look out for is Sage. Sage is ideal for menopausal related headaches.

Sage is a natural antioxidant that is frequently used for menopausal relief. It was originally used by the Ancient Egyptians to help with infertility problems. They also used the antioxidant to help cure illnesses. Now not only is sage used to help treat menopause symptoms but it is used as a wonderful cooking spice. It is a grayish green colored plant that smells of the earth when crushed. It is capable of growing in a range of climates but is originally from the Mediterranean and Spain.

The term sage literally means "to save" in Latin. Its cleansing nature helps rid the body of harmful toxins. This is what helps take away headaches. Headaches are one of the common side effects of menopause. Aside from treating headaches it can help with the anxiety, night sweats, and fatigue associated with menopause.

Women tend to start seeing symptoms of menopause in their late 30's to 40's and the stage could last for up to 10 years. It is smart to start taking a relief supplement on the onset of menopause in order to keep your body as balanced as possible in preparation for the chemical changes that are about to happen. If you prepare your body for menopause you can potentially escape the unwanted side effects.

You can find relief formulas with sage in the formula easily online or in vitamin stores. Sage works best when paired with other high quality extracts that work in conjunction with each other to relieve symptoms. Some other ingredients that work well are black cohosh root, dong quai, and false unicorn root.

Secret Role of the Adrenal Glands in Menopause

When a woman reaches that time in her life where the hormones in her body are decreasing, it is sure that menopause symptoms are sure to follow. Although many women may not know what it is, the adrenal glands play a very important role in this part of a woman's life. These small glands will play an ever-increasing part in her life, whether she knows it or not. Here are some of the secrets of this tiny gland.

The adrenals glands are small glands that sit near the top of the kidneys and secrete cortisol and epinephrine, which are commonly referred to as stress hormones. The cell receptors for both cortisol and epinephrine will fluctuate in the body depending on how much stimulation they receive by the nervous system. This is based on several factors, mostly increased stresses due to the long-term use of substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, as well as lack of exercise and emotional distress. This can lead to unhealthy adrenal function, which causes immune dysfunction. Side effects can be felt in insomnia, moodiness, chronic infections and even immune disorders. As stress builds in the mind and body, the adrenal glands will suffer.

Healthy adrenal function in the body promotes restful sleep, and a sense of wellbeing in the person. They also can have an effect on the thyroid system, which is a key component in regulating things such as hormones, brain activity, blood circulation, calcium balance, tissue maintenance, and even temperature of the body. Lowered thyroid function is somewhat common during perimenopause, and can cause symptoms of menopause to become much worse if left unchecked.

When the adrenal glands and thyroid are both in an unhealthy condition, a condition called "hypothyroidism" can be the result. Symptoms can include: fatigue, weight gain, depression, cold hands and feet, constipation, severe and frequent hot flashes or night sweats, mood swings, reduced libido, and sleep disorders. Is it any wonder that a woman would want to keep these two glands in good condition? Once the hormones are out of balance, the body can react in very unpredictable ways.

Are there ways to avoid this condition, and keep the adrenal glands healthy? Of course there are, some of which are more physical in nature and others that will help keep your emotional balance in check. Here are few suggestions:

Learn to manage stress - this is a problem with many women, learning to "let go" of emotions. Dealing with stress can also mean getting a massage, taking time out during the day to relax and escape even if only for a few minutes.

Homeopathic remedies - try herbal teas and other herbal remedies for symptoms

Start taking vitamins on a daily basis, one that's all inclusive with minerals

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, fried foods, and anything else that may be bad for your body.

It's not that hard to take care of yourself physically, especially when you realize that the consequences can be pretty severe when you don't. Learn to take care of your adrenal glands, and they will take care of you!

6 Effective Natural Home Remedies for Menopause

Menopause refers to the end of the reproductive life in a woman. The transition from a reproductive phase to a non reproductive phase is slow and happens over a period of time. This is a natural aging process which happens to all women in their early 50s. The main reason for this is the decline in the production of the female hormones. The term menopause means the end of the menses or the monthly menstruation cycles. This means the ovaries stop releasing the eggs and the hormones responsible for the shedding of the uterine lining. The fertile phase of a woman ends with the onset of menopause.

This condition occurs 12 months after your last menstrual period. This natural biological process triggers many physical and psychological symptoms in the woman. Some of the symptoms of menopause are irregular menses, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased fertility, mood swings, thinning of hair, increased abdominal fat and disturbances in sleep pattern. These symptoms appear over a period of time and differ from woman to woman. The two stages of menopause are perimenopause and postmenopause. Perimenopause is the stage in which one experiences the symptoms and this stage can last for a couple of years or longer. There are ways to reduce the symptoms one of them being following the natural remedies for menopause.

The main cause of this condition is the natural decline in the levels of the female hormones like estrogen and progesterone which regulate the menstruation. The ovulation starts declining and as a result causes fertility to decline. The woman starts experiencing irregular periods before they finally stop. Another cause of menopause is total hysterectomy in which the uterus and the ovaries are removed. This immediately ceases the periods and causes the symptoms to show. Radiation and chemotherapies can also induce menopause in the woman.

This biological process is not a disease so there is no cure for it, but there are natural remedies for menopause which can help ease the symptoms in a woman. Natural remedies can reduce the intensity of the symptoms and be effective in dealing with this natural process. Some of the natural remedies for menopause are as follows:

1. Vitamin E: Intake of vitamin E can help reduce the hot flashes that women experience during this phase.

2. Foods rich in estrogen: Eat foods that contain estrogen naturally. Include soybeans, cucumbers, apples, wheat, cabbage, oats, papaya, sunflower seeds, yam, garlic, beans and beets in your diet.

3. Herbal remedies: Herbal remedies are a natural way to help ease the signs of menopause. Natural herbs like Valerian root is used as an aid to sleep better. Ginseng is used to reduce stress and anxiety and to boost the immune system. Evening Primrose can help reduce the hot flashes, Chasteberry is effective in improving the mood swings and headaches, Black Cohosh is used to treat hot flashes and Saint John's Wort is helpful in treating depression in women.

4. Magnesium and Calcium: Include these two in your diet to prevent osteoporosis and to boost the energy levels.

5. Diet: Eat a healthy well balanced diet which is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals for overall health of the body.

6. Exercises: Exercising regularly helps to keep the body fit and to boost your stamina and energy levels. Practice meditation and yoga for relaxation of the mind and body.

Use these natural remedies for menopause to reduce the symptoms.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Menopause Relief - How Long Will You Have Hot Flashes?

There is no clear, straightforward answer to the question of how long your hot flashes last, and how you can get some menopause relief. This is because every woman is different, and has different circumstances.

Hot flashes are directly related to physical and mental health. Stress is also a common trigger that sets of a hot flash.

Just as your body is completely unique, so are your menopause symptoms. A healthy lifestyle, together with overall physical fitness and a good mental attitude will surely help reduce the symptoms.

Very often hot flashes are more frequent during times of stress, and obviously everyone's level of stress can vary greatly. Many women notice that their hot flashes occur more often when they are stressed. This can become a big problem if your lifestyle is hectic and in overdrive nearly all the time.

So, how many months, or years will you have hot flashes?

It could be six months, it could be six years, or it could be sixteen years! Some women have them for just a short while, and others are still having them while in the nineties.

Since there is nothing you can do about any genetic predisposition that might give you a tendency toward hot flashes, the best thing you can do is learn about the underlying causes, and take definite steps to manage your own health. A healthy mind and body will help shorten the length of time you have hot flashes, as well as decrease the intensity of the ones you do have.

Hot flashes can occur before and after menopause

When your body is stressed to the point of creating a hormonal imbalance, the mind is tricked into thinking it needs to cool things down, so it orders the blood vessels to dilate, the sweat glands to produce, and the heart rate to increase; you have a hot flash. This is the body's attempt to regulate itself and is a signal that it needs attention.

Hot flashes can occur at any time in a woman's life. Because they are more typical during menopause they are commonly regarded as a symptom of menopause. However, many women experience them before and after their change in life.

Eating the right foods can shorten the duration of hot flashes

It is common for certain foods to trigger hot flashes, such as spicy foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. This can be different for everyone, so it is important to listen to your body. When you find that certain foods trigger a hot flash, simply avoid it in the future, unless you like the hot flashes!

Eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables is a sure way to reduce the hot flashes. You body need the building blocks to create the hormones that regulate health and wellness, and fresh, whole foods will go a long way to help you.

Adding a high quality vitamin/mineral supplement can also make the hot flashes shorter in intensity and duration. Many excellent supplements are formulated with this very purpose in mind, and can be highly effective.

In conclusion, hot flashes are different for every woman, but taking positive steps to manage your own health will help with the frequency and duration of hot flashes. Take the time to study, listen to your own body, and take the necessary steps to keep your body in a state of balance and health and you will certainly find some real menopause relief.

Important Facts About Menopause - What Age Does it Start?

All women are different, not only in physical and emotional standards, but also on when they will experience the first signs and symptoms of menopause. There is a major debate going on regarding what age does menopausal usually kicks in.

In brief, this condition happens when you're reproductive system stops producing functioning ovaries. It doesn't happen in a single day but is mostly seen to range from 10 to 12 months at best. Women may experience lessening of their menstrual cycle at this point until it stops when the condition reaches its peak.

1. Premature Menopausal

There are some women that go into this condition at an early age. Statistics shows that around 2 to 3 percent of women today experience the signs and symptoms at 35. Most Asian women go into menopausal when they reach 40 and above. It was also observed that identical twins have a higher chance of going into early menopausal between 35 and 39 -- both experience it at the same time.

There were also cases wherein environment factors affect the age where women undergo early menopausal. Studies show that women who live in a polluted area are prone to experience the first signs of this condition around the age of 30 or 35. Also, it is best to consider that there is a possibility of experiencing pre-menopausal symptom instead of ruling it out.

2. Normal Menopausal

The average age that most women experience menopause is between 51 and 55. In most cases, the onset of this condition is mostly hereditary, wherein women follow the steps of their mothers at the age when the first stages of menopausal are visible. There is also a possibility that you will experience the same condition at the age similar to that of your eldest sister in the family.

Keep in mind; however, that the symptoms experienced during premature menopausal is quite different from the normal ones. In most cases, the signs and symptoms of the former appears early and may take 2 to 3 years before continuing on to the actual menopausal cycle.

Early Signs and Symptoms

Women at the age of 40 and above may encounter irregularities to their menstrual cycle that marks the start of the pre-menopausal stage. Fluctuation is common at this point -- like one day getting some minor spotting and a lot of bleeding on the next period.

Hot flashes and night sweats are common signs of menopause. Whether it's at an early age or later in your lifetime, all women encounter irregularities with their body temperature, as well as unexplained sweating during cold nights. Sleeping problems is also possible during the pre-menopausal stage that might also contribute to the emotional changes that happens during this condition.

There Is Life After Menopause

By the year 2030, 1.2 billion women in the world are expected to be 50 years old and above. And whether we like it or not, we'll all be a part of that aging population sooner or later.

Everyone gets older everyday. There's no escape from old age no matter who you are or where you live. With old age come some inevitable physical changes that form part of what is known as the menopause.

Menopause is the price women have to pay for living longer. It's a natural part of the aging process. The word menopause literally means the physiological cessation of the menstrual cycle. But it is not simply the end of a woman's period. Menopause is a phenomenon which involves the shutting down of a woman's reproductive functioning.

The symptoms of menopause can range from mild hot spells at night to constant sweating day and night. Some women spot for a few months while others bleed heavily for years. These symptoms are caused by hormonal imbalances and not necessarily estrogen loss. They are also related to diet, lifestyle and genetic factors. To avoid these symptoms, many women try different treatments. Unfortunately, most of these so-called "cures" don't work and create even greater hormonal imbalances.

The good news is that like puberty, menopause will end sooner or later. Most women get relief in two to five years but in some the symptoms of menopause can persist for more than 10 years. But don't fret. There are a few things you can do that will help. Adjust your diet, get some exercise, and get enough sleep. A simple detox program can help flush out harmful of toxins that have accumulated in your body for years. Taking a good multivitamin supplement can also do wonders.

Still, for many women, menopause is not the end of life. A 1998 Gallup survey sponsored by the North American Menopause Society showed that more than half (51 percent) of American women between the ages of 50 and 65 who had reached menopause said they are happiest and most fulfilled now as compared to when they where in their 20s (10 percent), 30s (17 percent) or 40s (16 percent). The same poll revealed that 16 percent of women said their sexual relationship had gotten better since menopause while more than half (51 percent) said it had remained unchanged.

Think of the number of highly successful, gorgeous women now in their 50s like Kim Basinger, Oprah Winfrey, Vera Wang, Diane Sawyer, and Goldie Hawn to name a few, and you get an exciting new look of menopause. These women are saying that 50 is the new 30.

These women are defying the menopause stereotype and shifting the publics perception. They are sensual and accomplished celebrities and no one really cares whether or not they're menstruating. So stop for a moment and think of the women you admire most and chances are they are not twenty or even thirty something. These are menopausal women who have changed the world and will do it again. So can you with Zalestra.

Zalestra is a safe and natural alternative to synthetic drugs that will help menopausal and pre-menopausal women lose weight and correct those hormonal imbalances. When used as directed, this product will reduce feelings of nervousness, tension and irritability and help increase your libido or sex drive. Check out for more information.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Pre Menopause Symptoms

If you are experiencing pre menopause symptoms you may be hard pressed to find the good in it. Dealing with hot flashes that make you want to strip naked in public; night sweats that keep you up all night; mood swings that turn you into a crazy woman and headaches that don't end is not much fun. Add to that a decreased libido and vaginal dryness and it just doesn't seem that life is much fun anymore.

Things that used to be perky are now sagging and bagging and shifting. Curves that used to be up top are now settling on your bottom. You are cranky and emotional and so darned tired you fall asleep sitting in your chair.

Your skin is so dry it feels like leather and your hair has started to feel like straw. There just doesn't seem to be enough "age defying" in your night cream. You can't read because your arm is not long enough to hold the book far enough away. Your eyes are shot.

Your medicine cabinet is beginning to look like your Grandmother's used to. Metamucil gets you through the day. Your vitamins now say "silver" instead of femme. Your joints creak and you pass wind like a machine gun. Life just can't get any freakin' better, can it?

Oh yeah, the mammogram. Enough said about that.

The only good thing about pre menopause symptoms is what comes at the end. Blessed relief. No more monthly cycle. Well I guess there really is some good to be found in menopause.

A Unique Natural Hot Flash Treatment - From The Ocean

In my quest to identify Hot Flash Natural Treatments I've discovered an unlikely source which comes from the ocean and that unique source is Kelp...

If you have problems with hot flashes, along with other challenging menopausal discomforts and are seeking a natural solution, then you've come to the right place.

I am on a mission to "unearth" as many natural remedies or treatments for hot flashes as possible. In my pursuit I've "discovered" Kelp which is a variety of seaweed. It is found along rocky sea shores throughout the world.

Oh my! Kelp is so awesome... here's the scoop... In my research of Kelp I found that it is loaded with nutrients which include over 70 minerals and trace elements. I can't believe that I am just now realizing the incredible benefits of Kelp.

Please pay attention to this. In addition to the over 70 minerals, Kelp possess trace elements, growth hormones, enzymes, vitamins, proteins which include iodine, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Kelp supports the thyroid gland, which is a key sex gland stimulator, can lessen and may even stop menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, moodiness and menopausal tension. When Kelp is taken daily it may promote emotional balance.

As a bit of a bonus here are a few more benefits of kelp for all around physical and emotional well-being.

Additional reported benefits of Kelp:

1.) Strengthen immunity

2.) Effectively fights viral condition

3.) Improve liver function

4.) Suppress AIDS

5.) Supports healthy digestion and lessens constipation

6.) Reduce hair loss

7.) Combat against heart disease and cancer

8.) Support lowering of cholesterol level

How Do I Take Kelp?

Kelp can be taken as a supplement, dried, granulated or even in powder form. Kelp is easy to consume you can add it to drinks, used for flavoring in the manner salt is used, add it to meals for seasoning and even eat the powdered kelp directly.

The miraculous Kelp can be easily attained at your local health food store. A side note, I bought Kelp this past weekend at my local health food store in the powered form.

I wanted the dry Kelp (seaweed) but the store only sold the powered form. It has a very distinct taste... rather what else would I expect knowing that the source is the ocean.

The second time I tried it I added a heaping tablespoon of Kelp to a half glass of apple juice. Granted the apple juice didn't totally masked the distinct taste of Kelp but it does make it a bit more palatable.

Because I know that Kelp is loaded with all sorts of good "stuff" to keep my body healthy I drank it down in a matter of seconds...

Honestly, I don't know about you but I am literally blown away by the magnificent health benefits of Kelp...

The more I research natural remedies the more I come to the realization that "Mother Nature" seems to hold the "keys" to our is the original Source for our health and wellness. Kelp has been added to a viable hot flash natural treatment.

To your excellent health,

Note - Please remember that it is always important to consult your health practitioner before beginning any remedies to make sure they won't harm your health nor have any adverse effects. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. This publication, and the product contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Herbal Remedies to Shrink Fibroids

Herbal remedies to shrink fibroids have been used for many years, particularly by Chinese doctors. There is a strong interest in using natural remedies to treat fibroids as more and more women are turning their backs on invasive surgery.

A few years ago, hysterectomies were dished out quite routinely for various conditions, fibroids being one of them. However, doctors have realized the importance for women of keeping their uterus and developed less traumatic procedures. However, the problem with these is that although individual or groups of fibroids are removed, the chances are that these will regrow unless something is done to remove the causes of fibroids-and this is easier said than done. There is very little in the field of conventional medicine that can help.

More and more doctors now recommend doing nothing about fibroids as they are rarely dangerous and will, in fact naturally shrink at the time of the menopause. Now this is fine if you are near the menopause and your fibroids are causing few symptoms. For those women who might be only in their mid-thirties, it is a long time to wait to experience relief.

Herbal remedies for fibroids are not usually successful when used in isolation, although you will see herbal preparations being sold from various sources which claim that they will shrink fibroids. Having said this, there is no doubt whatsoever that they can form an extremely valuable part of a comprehensive treatment for fibroids, particularly where symptomatic relief is concerned. In addition, herbs for fibroids are incorporated in many plans which involve liver detoxing, as it is well known that for some women, their fibroids probably stem from a build of of environmental toxins which are locked inside the liver, wreaking havoc.

One thing to bear in mind is that although herbs are natural, in certain quantities and combinations, they can be very potent and can cause serious harm if taken in the wrong quantities. As far as treating fibroids is concerned, you can often buy ready-made preparations which have the correct, safe dosages stated on the labels.

The herbs which are commonly used for treating fibroids include:-

* Milk Thistle
* Dandelion Root
* Artichoke Extract
* Yam
* Ginger
* Willow
* Cinnamon

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Zalestra - Natural Relief From Menopausal Symptoms While Promoting Weight Loss

Pre or peri-menopause is the transitional phase during which a woman passes out of the reproductive stage. This phase can be accompanied by some uncomfortable symptoms such as weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability. This stage usually occurs between the ages of 35-45 years old. Menopause is the next natural step in a woman's life and occurs on average at 51 years of age. This is when the woman is no longer fertile and her body has stopped all production of estrogen. Just as the onset of menopause is unique to every woman, menopause symptoms also vary. While some women's symptoms are very manageable, others are severe and sometimes threaten quality of life. This natural transition is marked with weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, sleeplessness, mood swings, as well as feelings of tension, nervousness and irritability. For some, menopause also marks an increased risk of heart disease and bone loss or osteoporosis.

Because of the symptoms and discomfort associated with menopause, it is no wonder that many women dread this natural transition. Zalestra provides proven, natural relief for the symptoms of menopause.

Zalestra Is the Most Complete Hormonal Balancing/Weight Control Compound developed For Pre-Menopausal and Menopausal Women. It contains 13 powerful ingredients strategically combined and blended to form a highly comprehensive system that assists in treating menopausal symptoms. Since Zalestra is completely natural, all of this has been done without the use of synthetic drugs or hormones.

Zalestra was developed to help not only treat the symptoms of menopause, but also to help premenopausal women lose weight. It works by naturally helping to support women's hormonal balance. It has also been proven to reduce the symptoms of menopause, including alleviating hot flashes, mood swings, and decreased energy. Additionally, Zalestra can reduce the feelings of nervousness, tension, and irritability and can increase libido or sex drive.

The ingredients in Zalestra consist of Green Tea Extract, Guggul Extract, Octopalean, Maca Root Powder, Jojoba Meal Extract, Indole-3-Carbole, Borage Oil Powder, Mega Soy Extract, Manganese, Black Cohosh, DHEA, Vitex Fruit Extract and Bioperine. Green Tea Extract, for example, which is present in Zalestra is now one of the most commonly used ingredients in weight loss products on the market today. A number of the other ingredients such as Black Cohosh and Maca Root Powder are substances that have been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine to relieve the classic symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes and mood swings. Soy Extract, which is also one of the ingredients in Zalestra, is coming in for increasing criticism from diet experts as they say that the effect of Soy, if used on a long term basis, is actually to disrupt the hormonal balance of the body.

Estro500 Menopause Relief Review

Menopause can be a stressful time of change for women. With symptoms of hot flashes, night-sweats, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and even anxiety, many women seek to find solutions to be able to cope. Estro500 is a topical treatment for symptoms of Menopause that can be considered a more natural approach than Hormone Replacement therapy.

Estro500 can aid estrogen production. Its packaging appears as an 'airless pump', a single pump white bottle with a purple label. The active ingredients in this cream are Estriol and Estradiol (Estriol 80%, Estradiol 20%). Estriol is naturally formed in the liver and has been said by some experts to help prevent cancer. Estradiol is the most produced form of estrogen in a woman's ovaries. Estradiol is a much more potent substance than Estriol. The full composition of Estro500 consists of deionized water, Caprylic Trigylceride, Polyarcylamide, C13-14, Isoparafin, Laurenth-7, SD alcohol, aloe juice, potassium, Estradiol, Estriol, and grapefruit.

Estro500 is said to be bio-identical to naturally produced estrogen. Due to the significant depletion of hormones during the time of menopause women often times need to supplement what their bodies are lacking. Estro500 is a topical cream and is available for purchase online. Online ordering is always beneficial because you are able to read reviews on different products and formulas until you find the one that best fits your specific health needs. Insurance currently does not provide coverage of the product Estro500.

There have been no clinical studies of Estro500 and the product does not direct the consumer as to where exactly to apply the ointment, but it instructs it should be on clean, dry skin. It is considered to be a cosmetic product and actually beneficial for skin, though irritation can occur in sensitive skin cases. Directions explain the consumer should apply three pumps to skin around bedtime. It can be applied twice daily or larger doses as needed. Each pump from the dispenser is claimed to have the perfect pre-measured dose each time. Two pumps is the equivalent of.500 mg of Premarin. It has been noted often times doses need to be increased depending on response to symptoms. No prescription is necessary to acquire the product though one should always consult a doctor before routinely taking a supplement. It is suggested Estro500 be taken accompanying progesterone to stop hot flashes and better fight all symptoms. Estro500 offers easy application and fast results consumers say.

How to Cure Perimenopause Insomnia Naturally

The perimenopause is a natural transition in a woman's life which usually occurs around the age of about 52. For some women symptoms can suddenly manifest themselves including a difficulty sleeping properly. Perimenopause insomnia can be very distressing as you toss and turn at night.

This is made worse by hot sweats and anxiety as you throw off the bedclothes in an attempt to cool down. There are very simple ways to overcome this problem such as making sure that you have a window open in the bedroom to allow fresh air to circulate. Also don't have heavy duvet covers and blankets on the bed during the summer. Just a light cotton sheet is probably enough.

Don't eat a heavy meal too late at night and avoid spicy foods that include chilli powder or ginger. This type of food generates heat and this make your hot flushes a lot worse. Also avoid drinking in the evening as even just one glass of wine can bring on a hot flush. Stick to soft drinks or mineral water.

Women of menopause age often have lots of stress in their lives. Teenagers, aging parents and a demanding job, as well as running a home can leave little time for yourself. Stress is a major factor in causing perimenopause insomnia so just take time for yourself in the day and relax. Take up yoga or tai chi to help relieve tension, or treat yourself to a reflexology or aromatherapy session.

Some women experiencing perimenopause insomnia find that taking some supplements gives relief. These include black cohosh, red clover and evening primrose oil. Soya based foods such as vegetarian soya mince, soya beans, miso, and soya milk contain phytoestrogens which are similar to estrogen. During the menopause estrogen levels fall and this is what produces the unpleasant symptoms including insomnia and hot flushes.

Melatonin is a chemical produced by the pineal gland as darkness falls and encourages sleep. As we age production of melatonin falls and this is another reason why older people find it hard to get a good night's sleep. It can be taken as a supplement and is also a good source of antioxidants.

Another reason for perimenopause insomnia is a decline in seratonin. This chemical is released by the brain and encourages sleep. However seratonin relies on estrogen to function properly and during the perimenopause levels fall. St Johns's wort is a supplement that can help with low moods and depression which are also common during the menopause. It can also increase levels of serotonin and melotonin in the body and so help you to overcome perimenopause insomnia.

Perimenopause insomnia is very common and experienced by at least 20% of menopausal women so you are not alone if you are one of them. It can cause daytime drowsiness and poor concentration which could prove dangerous if you drive, or cause you to make mistakes at work.

Vaginal Dryness Symptoms and Treatment During Menopause

Vaginal dryness in women indicates symptoms that lead to menopause. It can highly affect your daily life and cause severe problems in your sexual life. Mostly women do not report this condition to their gynecologist as they think that it is part and parcel of being a woman but the fact is that there are things that women can take help of if they are suffering from vaginal atrophy or vaginal dryness. In this article let us find out some effective remedial measures you can take to lead a normal and healthy life during menopause.

Causes of Vaginal Dryness

Mainly this condition is experienced as a side effect of menopause. During menopause vaginal and urinary tissues become thin and shrink considerably due to the reduced levels of estrogen in the body. This thinning of tissues cause many uncomfortable and embarrassing health issues to women.


Due to the reduced levels of estrogen in the body multiple number of tissues lose their natural elasticity specially the ones present in the urinary area. This causes lack of elasticity and low lubrication the vaginal area which can cause extreme discomforting situations like pain during sexual intercourse, inflammation, urinary incontinence, burning and watery vaginal discharge.

All these above conditions clearly point to the health ailment called vaginal atrophy or vaginal dryness which is faced by a majority of women at some point in their life.

How To Treat Vaginal Dryness

A woman can do a lot of things to experience relief from this condition. The most sought after remedy is hormone therapy which involves replacement of estrogen from the ovaries that they are no longer producing in the body. The following can also be used as effective remedial measures for vaginal dryness.

Herbal Vaginal Lubricants

These herbal lubricants for overcoming vagina dryness are highly effective and provide immediate relief. These herbal creams support the normal production of vaginal fluids hence helping the body naturally lubricate the vagina.

Have An Active Sex Life

Women who indulge in regular sexual activities have been found to deal better with vaginal dryness problems as regular sex allows normal flow of blood to vagina area and provide nourishment to vaginal cells. A lot of foreplay and even masturbation can help in keeping the vagina moist.

Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles

Providing strength to your pelvic floor muscles can effectively help in enhanced sexual life and improved circulation of blood to the vaginal area for normal sexual functioning.

Menopause - The Secret Way to Lose Weight Forever For Menopausal Women

Menopause women know that overweight problem is too big to hide. After failed many diet programs and pills, many people give up the hope. To eat less is the best way to lose weight, but it is easy to say and hard to do. People say "I always feel hungry."

I have some psychological tricks which can fool your hunger feeling.

1. Eat slowly is the best trick to eat less. It takes about 20 minutes for the food you eat to be digested enough for the glucose to enter the bloodstream, and then your body starts having a sense of "fullness". Practicing slowly eating-habit to really taste and savor your food-can give your body time to get the "stop" signal. Do you remember that? When you ordered 3 dishes at a restaurant, if the last dish came about 10 minutes late, you didn't have the desire to eat anymore. So eat slowly and allow your hormone to tell your brain that you've started eating. By the way, using chopsticks is a way to eat slowly, because you have to pick up pieces one by one.

2. To use small bowls is a simple optical illusion to fool your brain too. The same amount of wine will make you feel different if you pour it in different glasses. In bars, bartenders pour a single shot of alcohol into a short, wide glass, in order to let you feel just a little bit of it. Therefore use small bowls instead of big plates for food, you will feel eat much more and send your brain the message.

3. Don't confuse thirsty with hungry. Brain research showed that the earliest sensation for thirst is actually perceived by us as hunger. When it is not meal time, you often feel hungry. Drink water first, and wait for 10 minutes. If you still feel hungry, eat fresh and dried fruits as snacks. By the way, do not drink soda drinks which contain too much sugar.

During menopause, women will easily get about 10 to 30 pounds in abdominal area. By using those tricks; you can lose weight safely and permanently.

How Massage Eases Menopausal Symptoms

Many women enjoy receiving regular massage sessions as a means of relaxation and stress relief. With our hectic, fast-paced lives and busy schedules, massage can be the perfect outlet for releasing the tension brought on by our daily activities. As women get older, their lives don't necessarily tend to slow down, which can make the aging process somewhat of a challenge for some. It's likely that by the time a woman reaches the age of 50, she's begun to experience some signs of menopause. Massage therapy can be very therapeutic for menopausal women during this time.

Every woman reacts differently to the bodily changes that occur during menopause. Some women manage with confidence, while others may be overwhelmed and not so apt at controlling their emotions. Whatever the case may be, the gentle, nurturing touch of massage can be calming and soothing to a woman going through this major life change.

There's no question that the bodily changes that every woman must go through during menopause are permanent. Since many people are resistant to change, this can wreak havoc on a woman's emotions. The uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, such as weight gain and mood swings, can be so intolerable that depression may inevitably set in. Traditional Western medicine relies strongly on medications such as anti-depressants and sleeping pills to treat these symptoms, but massage therapy offers an enticing, drug-free alternative. Relieving stress and increasing relaxation can help a woman cope with and manage these discomforts with greater ease.

As a bodyworker, help your female clients understand that they don't have to go through this change alone, and educate them on the therapeutic benefits that regular massage therapy sessions can provide for menopause relief.

Learn more about which massage modalities can best help to ease the symptoms of menopause.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Natural Menopause Relief Supplements and Treatment That You Should Know

Supplements that handle menopause are there and most of them are herbal; these natural products are well proven to wade off the symptoms and deliver the much needed relief. Lessening the pain and severity with a view to shutting off the prolonged episodes of this situation is the core of these supplements. The fight is all about the war on night sweats, sleeplessness, mood swings, weight gain etc.

At your door step is one component called "DON'T PAUSE" which comes with pomegranate and green tea; a quite popular refined product that is safe and delivers amazing results. It is non prescriptive and may be delivered any where with ease. This product comforts and ensures you get the most peaceful nights. All symptoms become a thing of the past and you move on with day-to-day activities without any worry.

The more direct natural supplements are black cohosh, maca root, dong quai, and red clover. Black cohosh is one of the common plants of eastern North America; known to greatly relieve all symptoms of menopause. The plant has extracts that mimic estrogen hormones; the mode of action is exactly the same. This plant estrogen stimulates the vagina wall to release the required lubricant to ease any conceived dryness. The thermostat of the body is controlled by the hypothalamus and these secretions work on this organ in the brain directly turning on the poor mechanism to control the temperature again. The same chemicals overturn leutenizing hormone levels to a manageable level that will not temper again with the body temperature. Whatever the side effects, the benefits outweigh everything.

Dong quai a Chinese product that has been in use for centuries has vitamins A, B12 and E; and is usually taken with black cohosh very well. The plant releases the same phytoestrogens like black cohosh that boosts estrogen levels in the body. A higher capacity of estrogens usually counters any symptom of menopause. Dong quai takes care of hot flashes, vaginal dryness and mood swings. It is also known to boosts blood flow in the body by widening the blood veins. While it is provided in form of tablets, its root may also be added to common tea and taken without any harm to the body.

Maca plant grown in South America by inhabitants for many years, has aphrodisiac properties because it is often taken with food. Unlike the other two plants, maca instead releases a compound called adaptogen which alone is capable of balancing the corrupted hormones in the body. When this is done, the body systems become awake and start doing its normal duty. The active ingredient found on the root has other elements namely iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium plus vitamins.

Red clover is a plant found in Asia and Europe; I must say it has the same plant estrogens just like black cohosh and works exactly in the same style. It will also provide you with other elements and vitamins and has all it takes to manage hot flashes very well. These plant estrogens stimulate an increase in production of estrogens to balance off the effect of menopause. The product is taken in capsule form and this has made it very palatable to would be users. It shuts off hot flushes within no time and increases the presence of good cholesterol in the body.

How To Treat Menopause Symptoms Naturally - Natural Ways To Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms!

Menopause is not a disease or an illness, but it is a part of life. However, while undergoing this stage many women experience a variety of different symptoms. These symptoms occur due to the hormonal changes triggered by menopause. During menopause the risk of heart disease and the cholesterol levels in the blood are increased and many women also lose bone density. What is more, menopause can sometimes have very annoying symptoms that may affect a woman's quality of life.

The symptoms that often accompany menopause are:

  • Excessive heat, excessive sweating, and sudden hot flushes
  • Difficulty in falling asleep, night sweats and insomnia
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Itching and vaginal dryness
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Anxiety, depression and mood swings
  • Burning during urination
  • Palpitations
  • Changes in the shape of the breasts
  • Changes in vaginal discharge
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Weight gain

Here are some natural ways to treat the symptoms of menopause:

  • Take 800 mg of evening primrose oil three times a day.
  • Take 1 ounce of almond oil and one capsule of 1000 IU of vitamin E. Mix the ingredients and apply this remedy inside and outside the vagina at least twice a day. It is an effective home remedy that can reduce vaginal dryness. Almond oil mixed with geranium oil can also act as a painkiller.
  • Take 50 mg of selenium, 10 mg beta-carotene and 2000 mg of vitamin C once a day to improve the skin.
  • Lose weight, if you are overweight. Excessive weight can worsen the hot flushes experienced during menopause. According to a study at the University of California overweight or obese women may benefit from an intensive weight loss program. 154 women with a BMI between 25 and 50 were recruited for the experiment, which lasted for six months. The women lost 7-9% of their body weight through increased physical activity and a diet of 1200-1500 kcal per day. The results showed that a decrease in weight, BMI and waist circumference were associated with an improvement of menopausal symptoms.
  • Include some ginseng in your diet. Ginseng is a rich source of phytoestrogen that helps to reduce many menopausal symptoms. Sunflower seeds can also increase the level of estrogen in the body.
  • Licorice can be a useful in reducing menopausal symptoms. Taking one or two tablespoons a day is helpful in reducing pain.
  • Soy products like soy flour, soy milk and soy beans are very effective supplements for menopausal pain relief. Studies have shown that women who have included soy products in their diet experienced significantly fewer problems during menopause.

Does Menopause Age You?

There is a quite a bit written about the process of menopause. The question at hand is if menopause actually accelerates the aging process and if so, in what ways does menopause age you? Menopause is a natural process that women go through as their bodies begin to age. Menopause is triggered when the ovaries begin to release eggs more and more infrequently. When a woman stops having her monthly period and her ovaries no longer release eggs, she is in menopause.

This process can take up to ten years before a woman is truly in menopause. On average, a woman enters true menopause in her early fifties when her period completely stops. Peri-menopausal symptoms such as insomnia, mood swings and vaginal dryness are caused by the decreasing levels of estrogen during the ten year time period prior to menopause. When we are answering the question of does menopause age you, clearly menopause itself actually does cause the aging process to accelerate.

A few complications caused by menopause:

  • One way that menopause ages you is by making you more susceptible to diabetes. As a woman goes through the process of menopause her ovaries gradually stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Both estrogen and progesterone affect the release of the hormone insulin, which in turns affects a woman's ability to break down glucose, making her more likely to developing diabetes in her later years.

  • Another area where the accelerating effect of menopause is experienced is in the skin and other soft tissues of the body. Many women experience a decreased skin elasticity and thinning of the skin overall. A woman's breasts may also become very tender due to the fluctuating levels of estrogen in her body. So, when we wonder does menopause age you, clearly it does negatively affect the skin and other soft tissues of the body.

  • Vaginal atrophy is another area where women experience the many affects of menopause. The skin of the vagina begins to thin and can become quite itchy and dry. A woman can also experience a loss of interest in sex due to the pain caused from the increasing fragility of her vaginal skin. She may also experience an increase in susceptibility to urinary tract and vaginal yeast infections. So again, if we are answering the question of does menopause age you, yes it does.

  • The skeletal system is also affected by menopause. A woman may experience more joint and muscle pain with a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. over time, her risk of developing osteoporosis or weak bones does develop. In order to keep her bones strong, it is important for a post-menopausal woman to have a diet rich in calcium and to do some weight-bearing exercises several times a week.

In answer to our query of does menopause cause aging, we must unfortunately answer with a resounding yes. A handful of complications of menopause were mentioned above. There are many more complications from the aging process due to menopause that are important to take into account. At this crucial time in a woman's life, it is important for a woman to see her gynecologist on a regular basis. It is also important for her to be proactive about here health by keeping a healthy diet, exercising regularly, taking health promoting supplements and considering hormone replacement therapy.

Post Menopausal is a New Phase of Life For Women

Post menopausal women can continue to experience the effects of reduced estrogen long after menopause is "officially" over. While that is bad news for women who are going through "the change," there are things that women can do to minimize the symptoms and take control of their bodies. In this article, we'll look at some of the symptoms that women experience and give you some tips for continuing a normal life.

Hot flashes are related to the low levels of estrogen in your body, but studies show that medication may not always be effective. There are some products that you can avoid to minimize the onset. Alcohol, caffeine, diet pills, spicy or hot food, and overly warm environments all can trigger hot flashes. Studies have shown that changes in diet and relaxation therapy can have a significant impact. Try breathing exercises and yoga and meditation. If your symptoms persist, speak to your doctor about antidepressants, mild sedatives and estrogen therapy. The good news is that once you have reached the post menopausal stage, they should become a distant memory.

Facial hair growth is a result of a change in the levels of estrogen and testosterone. Women also have low levels of testosterone, albeit in smaller amounts than men. Another complaint that women may experience is vaginal dryness. With the significant drop in estrogen after menopause, the membranes of the vagina thin, lose elasticity and decrease their production of lubricating fluids. Sexual intercourse may be uncomfortable or even painful. Pain with intercourse may be largely a result of soreness of the vulva, the area right outside your vagina. Try avoiding harsh soaps or using a barrier cream like Eucerin or Bag Balm.

While it can feel like you're at the mercy of your body, there are things you can do to minimize the impact of hormone fluctuations. Nutrition and exercise play a pivotal role in the health of women after menopause. It may mean being disciplined enough to make a significant change in your lifestyle, but you'll feel the results of your efforts. You should also start taking a multivitamin that is rich in Vitamin D, magnesium and folic acid.

Vitamin D will help your body to absorb vitamins and minerals, especially bone building calcium that is so important. If you are battling night sweats, then take a cool shower before bed, wear cotton clothing to absorb sweat and keep yourself comfortable and dress in layers so you can remove clothing as you get hot. It may sound funny, but standing in front of the freezer or refrigerator will make you feel better.

Although you may be feeling like your body is against you, don't forget that the symptoms won't last forever. Work with your doctor to minimize the physical effects of hormone fluctuations and make a commitment to taking better care of yourself both physically and mentally. Post menopausal women should try to see this time as the beginning of a new phase in their life; one that can make your life better than it ever was.

Discover What Foods Should Be Taken During Menopause To Help Calm The Hormonal Tornado

The interest in learning about what foods should be taken during menopause has skyrocketed, especially since, as we all know, hormone replacement therapy has many negative side effects.

It's important to note that when we use the term "what foods should be taken during menopause," what we mean is that these foods are dietary recommendations by experts and, as such, may be helpful in calming the hormonal tornado and providing you with menopausal symptom relief.

So, without further adieu, let's delve into a diet that may help combat those menopausal symptoms that wreck havoc on millions of women's lives.

The road to combating the hormonal tornado. Start with a diet that consists of whole, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.

Chase away symptoms with soy foods. Soy foods are highly recommended by health enthusiasts as one of the foods that should be taken during menopause. Do you know that only a few women in China and Japan experience those miserable hot flashes? Indeed, their traditional diet is rich in soy foods, particularly tofu. Soy harbors phytoestrogen properties similar to human estrogen, the female hormone.

Become best friends with the plant kingdom of foods. It seems that women who are vegetarians experience little discomfort and breeze through menopause, an observation made by the famous Andrew T. Weil, MD. Many plant-derived foods harbor phytoestogen properties besides soy such as apples, carrots, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, flaxseed, rye, parsley, fennel, celery, wheat, oats, cashews, and almonds. As such, you may want to consider increasing plant-derived foods and adding them to your list of what foods should be taken during menopause.

Say hello to your bone protectors, calcium and vitamin D. To prevent osteoporosis, increasing your intake of calcium and vitamin D rich foods are always recommended. Good food sources of calcium include: broccoli, most dark green leafy vegetables, flounder, chestnuts, kale, kelp, dandelion greens, sesame seeds, soybeans, tofu, turnip greens, salmon (with bones), sardines (with bones), molasses, and wheat germ. In order for calcium to be absorbed, your body needs vitamin D. Good vitamin D food sources include: fortified low-fat or non-fat dairy items, vitamin-D fortified breakfast cereals, and fatty fish such as salmon. In addition, vitamin D can be found by stepping outside and exposing your face to the sun for 15 minutes per day, and it's also found in supplements.

Gobble up your water. Drinking 8-ounces of water a day chases the drying of skin and mucous membranes away.

Now that we discussed what foods should be taken during menopause, equally as important is what foods to avoid.

Food contributors to menopausal symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, spicy foods, hot soups, and hot drinks can be triggers for hot flashes and, as such, can make them worse, including making mood swings worse.

Steer clear or limit animal and dairy products (except for salmon with bones, sardines, and white fish). Meat promotes hot flashes and it also contributes to a loss of calcium from the bones. This also applies to dairy products so you may want to limit your consumption to small amounts of low-fat yogurt or buttermilk.

Don't pass the salt please. The consumption of salt increases urinary excretion of calcium. Therefore, you may want to consider using garlic and onions when cooking as a substitution for salt.

Going beyond what foods should be taken during menopause and what foods to avoid...

Get acquainted with relaxation therapies. Deep relaxation may take the heat out of those hot flashes.

Kick the butt habit. We understand this isn't easy, but if you smoke, try quitting. Smoking is a bone robber and it's also been linked to more severe hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

Get physical. Many, if not all, experts recommend getting at least 30 minutes a day of physical everyday. Exercise may just help you stay one step ahead of symptoms.

Discover the magic of herbs. There are many herbal supplements that can help in the battling of the hormonal storm. For example, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Dong Quai, Red Clover, and Soy Isoflavones are all highly respected herbs, often recommended by Naturopaths and other like-minded professionals to help ward off menopausal symptoms.

Three Best Menopause Products

Menopause is a very natural condition to women. Reaching their middle to old age will create radical changes in their physical, emotional and psychological health. This is because their hormones are affected with the ending of their ovarian cycle. Because of this, there are many products coming out these days that help in the relief of menopausal symptoms.

For us to know which ones are best to use, here are the three best menopausal products we can get:

1. Menozac

This product is created using a number of natural herbs. That is why they often say that is come from Mother Nature. The use of herbs and plants in the treatment of menopausal symptoms are very effective and does not give any side effects to the patient. The Monozac efficiently cures anxiety, urinary problems, mood swings and vaginal dryness. It also works in controlling the appetite that can sometimes lead to weight gain. Hot flashes and chills are said to also be eliminated when taking this product.

This product works very fast from the initial use. With the Menozac, we do not have to worry about the hormonal changes that are brought by menopause and we can enjoy life to the fullest.

2. Menopol

The Menopol acts like a multivitamin for women who are going through menopausal period. It relieves all of the symptoms that come with menopause. Results can be quickly felt in the first two days of use. It is now a very popular product that is one of the three best menopausal products according to reviews. The menopol is effective in promoting hormonal imbalance and a good treatment for hot flashes, mood swings, depression and others. We can also notice the increase in the mental capacity plus increasing stamina and overall energy. It also helps boost a woman's libido even though reaching her middle age.

3. MellowPause

This is another product that is very helpful in the relief of menopausal symptoms. The MellowPause is created by using natural herbs that are used as remedies for menopause. We can get this in liquid formula. What this product does is to help reduce the hot flashes that are associated with the life change due to the ending ovarian cycle. It also helps calm women in dealing with stress so that they will be less irritable. It is a product that promotes a major boost in a person's life.

Most of the symptoms of menopause are actually just types of psychological and emotional conditions that are brought by nearing old age. What women need most is a help for them to still enjoy their life to the fullest even when their reach their menopausal age. We can still be happy at the age of 50 and above provided that we take care of ourselves. That is what the three best menopausal products do.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Post Menopause Supplements - Reduce Your Health Risks Naturally

In post menopause, women lose the protective benefits of estrogen, as their body ceases to produce it. This female hormone is vital for the heath of bones and heart.

This article looks at the most common health risks for post menopausal women and how they can have them reduced in the natural way.


Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become fragile and more likely to break. Many people first learn of their osteoporosis when they have a fracture.

The real danger of osteoporosis is not the broken bones. For older women, breaking a bone could be deadly. One in four women who suffer a hip fracture will die within 1 year, due to complications of the fracture, and 25% will require long-term care. Almost half of women with fracture will have long-term loss of mobility.

Most cases of osteoporosis occur in menopausal women. Why is this?

Osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency. Estrogen, the female hormone that plummets during menopause, plays a vital role in getting calcium to the bones and keeping them strong and healthy.

Other factors such as lack of exercise, life styles, deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals all influence the calcium absorption rate.

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death among women aged 65 and above. It is the second-leading cause of death in women aged between 45 and 64. Post menopausal women are ten times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than from breast cancer.

It is more common in menopausal than premenopausal women. Menopausal women are especially vulnerable to heart diseases; because after the end of menstruation, their ovaries stop to produce estrogen, which helps keep our blood vessels and heart healthy.

When estrogen decreases during menopause, we lose the benefits of this secret weapon against cardiovascular diseases.

Post Menopause Supplements

An all-in-one supplement can provide essential nutrients for post menopausal women, such as calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, Boron, Selenium and magnesium.

Adequate intake of nutrients is especially helpful at this period for women, because they can benefit cardiovascular system, reduce risks of breast cancer and heart attacks, and maintain strong bones and teeth.

If hormone-related symptoms are still bothering you after menopause, you may find relief from effective herbal supplements that contain beneficial herbs including Wild yam, Red clover, Dong quai and Black cohosh.

When you are buying post menopause supplements, keep in mind that there is no supplement that works for all women. But a good effective one should work for MOST women. So, make no mistake in picking the right one for your post menopause health.

For more information and reviews on supplements for menopause, please visit my website today.

What is Pre-Menopause? - The Signs and Symptoms That Come With It

Women should keep in mind that pre-menopause is a process that leads to the real menopausal stage. The gradual decline in the female's reproductive system produces various signs and symptoms to crop up from time to time. In some ways, it simply teaches your body to adapt to the full effect of the condition.  

Pre-Menopausal Stage 

It is easy to explain the pre-menopausal stage; the changes in a female's reproductive system are marked by hormonal imbalance and irregularities as functional ovaries diminish and hormone production decreases. Some female suffer these pains for a span of a few months, but may even last for a year depending on how their body matures and cope with the condition.  

Common Signs And Symptoms 

Signs and symptoms before the actual menopause stage are easily seen with periodic hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular menstrual period. These are just the common ones that all women feel when they under pre-menopausal.  

Sleeping disorder is also a sign that a woman is undergoing pre-menopausal. Constant bouts of weakness and fatigue may cause a change in their body clock -- resulting to an abnormality in their sleeping patterns; such as wide awake during the night and fast asleep during the day. 

Women under pre-menopausal might also have constant mood swings -- happy one moment and extremely sad at the next. There were claims that these bouts of sadness are unexplained, unable to determine why and how it happens. These sudden emotional outbursts might cause intense anxiety attacks and anger, as well as resulting to deep depression that may prove to be a risk if left unchecked.  

It was also observed that women who are under pre-menopausal might suffer from random bouts of palpitations, increased blood pressure, hair loss, weight loss or weight gain due to changes in their metabolic rhythm, and so on.  

Sexual Behavior 

Menopause entails that all sexual and reproductive capabilities of women are put to a complete stop. Women under pre-menopausal experiences a gradual decline in their sexual urges. Decreased libido, as well as the constant mood swings makes it almost impossible for women to enjoy sexual intercourse with their partners, much less reach orgasm.  

Vaginal dryness might cause painful intercourse as lacerations are possible since the vagina is not properly lubricated. This might be a major factor why women shy from any sexual encounter when under pre-menopausal due to the pain involved instead of getting satisfaction and enjoyment from it.  

Keep in mind, however, that these signs and symptoms may not be related to menopause at all. There is a possibility that other health issues may be present in your body that is causing these menopausal-like symptoms to crop up from time to time. It is advisable to seek the aid of your medical expert in order to determine the exact cause of these events and avoid permanent risks.

Want To Stop Hot Flashes Naturally? This May Be Your Answer

You may have never heard of this herb; that's OK, keep an open mind to what you may need to stop hot flashes naturally. Now this herb is Oat Straw. Honestly, I am in total awe of the huge number of herbs reported to lessen or provide relief. I don't know about you but I know that Mother Nature is pretty incredible.

So let me tell you what I've learned about this Oat and how it can be used to help you reduced or put an end to your menopausal discomfort.

It is also known as Avena sativa, i.e., meaning nourishing and cultivating, has numerous therapeutic properties and use. It is an annual grass and is in flower during June and July while the seed from the plant ripen from August to October. When the seed is harvested and dried it has a texture similar to flour and has a creamy flavor. The ripe dry stems are used for making the tea or infusion. Oat Straw is also used as a food crop.

Oat Straw reportedly has aided in the treatment of menopause related depression, memory loss, restless legs, or anxiety. It nourishes and balances the hormonal system. Also it is excellent for supporting against osteoporosis which is a common concern among menopausal women. It also aids in the building of strong bones, mental clarity, powerful nervine, i.e., acts therapeutically upon the nerves which is welcomed during the overwhelming challenges of menopause.

A note, after gaining insight into the benefits of this incredible herb I decided to visit my local health food store with the intention of trying it out for myself. By the way, I must admit I have a love affair with my local health food store because I can buy many of the herbs in bulk.

While there my holistic nutritionist informed me of other health benefits of the herb. The benefits work to support menopausal women in the reduction of osteoporosis, depression and nervous exhaustion. In addition, my nutritionist shared with me additional benefits of the herb. Some of the other benefits are boosting the immune system, building bones, supporting pain relief, and lessening those horrific panic attacks while reducing anxiety which are all too commonplace with women who experience menopause.

Additionally, I learned from the information I gained from my visit to the health food store that the Oat is rich in calcium and magnesium. Also, it can be used for both physical and nervous fatigue and is helpful for depression which are common complaints of menopausal women.. Oat Straw also contains B-complex vitamins, silica, calcium,and vitamin A. It seems that Oat Straw is excellent for overall mental and physical well-being...yep! Oak Straw is another gift from nature to keep our bodies, mind and spirit functioning optimally....thank you Mother Nature for looking out for us.

Oak Straw can be taken as an alcohol tincture, as a tea, or even in your bath. For the bath you would use approximately 1 pound Oat Straw to 2 quarts boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Initially, I plan to use Oat Straw in my bath in an effort to achieve the ultimate in relaxation as well as in tea form.

There are no known drugs or nutrient interaction associated with the use of Oat Straw.

To your excellent health,

Note- Please remember that it is always important to consult your health practitioner before beginning any remedies to make sure they won't harm your health nor have any adverse effects. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. This publication, and the product contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Getting Menopause Relief

Normally starting between ages 40-55, menopause is a time that every woman dreads to endure. Nevertheless, it is a process of life which has to be carried out. Most women start to notice the common symptoms such as : Mood changes, hot flashes, decreased sex drive, irregular menstrual periods, and vaginal dryness. Before putting you on the track to minimizing the awful pain of this dreaded part of life you will need to know why your body changes, hurts, and reacts to menopause the way it does. The symptoms are caused by lower estrogen levels and at this time the ovaries are becoming less functional. As a result of these changes in hormone levels your body will react accordingly. Many females hardly have any symptoms and some even transition very smoothly through the entire change. But when the sudden decrease in hormones does in fact occur, this can mean sometimes even excruciating pain. The same thing can be exemplified when a woman surgically has her ovaries removed(pain comes from same origin). But there are a lot of ways to find relief from menopause. A lot of women don't know that at this time your body is no where near its equilibrium(hormones are out of whack) so even things you eat and your lifestyle in general can bring on an onslaught of hot flashes.

A list of common foods and way of living that may increase your chance of coming down with hot flashes are:

* alcohol

* caffeine

* diet pills

* spicy food

So if and only if you are serious about making your life enjoyable again, then feel free to click the link at the bottom of the page to make your life livable again....its up to you if you want to feel better, but that wont happen when you don't do anything about it now will it???

Menopause Herbal Supplements - Get Relief From The Symptoms of Menopause

Although a lucky few women slip through menopause untouched by symptoms, most of us aren't that fortunate. The worst part is that symptoms can go on for literally years unless you do something to get rid of them. If you're suffering through menopause, herbal supplements can be the natural solution to get rid of your symptoms.

Of course, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can do the trick as well. But if have concerns about some of the long term side effects that come with taking HRT, then you may want to try something natural.

Herbs have been used by women in years past and they worked. Maybe not as quickly as HRT, but when you're considering your health, the trade-off is worth the wait. Natural herbal remedies are a safe and effective way of reducing or eliminating the symptoms of menopause.

Menopause occurs when the menstrual cycle comes to an end. As this happens the production of estrogen tapers off, creating an imbalance. It's this hormonal imbalance that causes the uncomfortable hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and other symptoms.

With HRT, it's a one size fits all approach to dealing with symptoms. No two women are exactly the same, so why should our menopausal symptoms be treated in the same way? Herbal remedies are designed to restore the balance in the body's hormones while at the same time targeting specific symptoms. Some herbs work better at relieving certain symptoms than other herbs, so it's important to know what you are looking for.

There are two basic types of herbs that can be used to relieve menopausal symptoms; phytoestrogenic and non-estrogenic herbs. Each type does something different.

Phytoestrogenic herbs contain natural plant estrogen. Plant estrogen can replace the estrogen in a woman's system and by doing that can directly relieve her symptoms.

Red clover and black cohosh are two of the most common phytoestrogenic herbs and they are known to regulate the estrogen levels in the body.

On the other hand, non-estrogenic herbs do not contain natural estrogen. They work in a different way. They stimulate the endocrine system in the body to produce its own natural estrogen. The herb macafem is known to help relieve menopausal symptoms.

Non-estrogenic herbs are thought to be even safer than phytoestrogenic herbs as they don't add estrogen directly to the body.

How well herbal remedies work will vary from woman to woman. Some factors that may affect their effectiveness include the severity and kind of symptoms, other medication being taken, and when menopause began.

The bottom line is that many women have gotten relief from menopausal symptoms by using herbs. But it can be tricky to try to figure out what and how much to take.

Probably the most foolproof way of taking an herbal remedy is in supplement form. Supplements are made with optimal amounts of specific herbs, so you know what you are getting and what to expect. Because of that, to treat the symptoms of menopause, herbal supplements may be your best bet.

Sex Drive and a Natural Menopause Relief Solution

One of the most common menopause symptoms is a low sex drive, along with the hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. The good news is that there are a number of safe, natural menopause relief solutions available to help!

During perimenopause and menopause it is quite normal to feel a decreased appetite for sex. This is because the body naturally is putting survival ahead of pleasure. Fortunately, it is usually a simple matter to restore your libido.

Why does your libido decrease?

Usually the reason is due to a hormonal imbalance. A lifetime of dieting can be the cause, especially low fat diets. This is because the body requires the fat to produce the necessary hormones.

Another common reason is stress. When the body is under stress, which it usually is, the adrenal glands work overtime to keep you in an alert state. Gradually this disrupts the hormonal balance, with the resulting symptoms of menopause.

During menopause the hormones begin to change and very often the balance between the testosterone, estrogen and progesterone changes. Once again, the common menopause symptoms appear.

How can you increase your libido?

The first step in finding a natural menopause solution is to get an evaluation of your hormones by taking the free, online assessment available below. It is very informative, and the results are kept confidential. Plus, it is free!

Some important steps you should take are

  • Eat a diet rich in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Make sure you get adequate vigorous exercise

  • Make every effort to get enough sleep and rest

  • Take time for yourself, you need to recharge and be centered

  • Use high quality vitamin/mineral supplements

Communicate with your partner

Often women are reluctant to speak up about things such as vaginal dryness or discomfort. They are so used to caring for others that they just put up with it. Yet, by merely mentioning that you feel pain during intercourse and want to find a natural menopause relief solution, you can often find new satisfaction.

There are numerous water based lubricants available that can make a dramatic difference. Drinking lots of water will also have the effect of lubricating the vaginal area.

Your partner certainly wants you to be comfortable and satisfied, it is in his best interest as well! There is no need to suffer from a low sex drive during menopause.

What you should do

  • Take the free online assessment

  • Take steps to improve your overall health, as mentioned above

  • Use high quality vitamin/mineral supplements

  • Communicate with your partner

  • Use lubricants and drink plenty of water

  • Take time for yourself so you are happy!

Monday, June 3, 2013

How Amberen Wins The Fight Against Menopause

Talk to any woman who is in her fifties and most will have a story to share about menopause that will border on a nightmarish experience. No matter what you do, there is no easy way of going through menopause. Sleeplessness caused by hot flashes that leads to fatigue are just a small part of the numerous changes a woman's body experiences. We must not forget the bloat and weight gain, and the constant emotional roller coaster that we seem to be on.

The Food and Drug Administration allowed for the use of hormone replacement therapy only to find that it had many unexpected and serious side effects. Why this was not noted before the product was released is still a question that plagues me, but who am I to question the powers that be. All I know is that I was not interested in giving up hot flashes for cancer, stroke and heart attack, no matter how severe they were. Menopause symptoms are some of the worst feelings I have ever undergone, but to my knowledge there are none known to cause death.

The health food store gave me a few leads, but nothing seemed to work as promised. I scoured the computer in search of anything that could aid in the relief of the dastardly symptoms and I found a product referred to as Amberen. Could there actually be a product claiming to be totally non-hormonal and yet works like a hormone treatment to restore your body to its former self? I must be having some kind of out of body experience related to lack of estrogen, for I am finding these claims difficult to believe.

Well, menopause may have won a few battles but the war was not yet over. I ordered the product and started taking it as soon as it arrived. Within a few days the changes became more and more noticeable. I felt like me again. The person I had lived with all my life was returning to inhabit my body. Instead, of being married to a shrew, my husband could again enjoy having me in the same room with him.

Amberin makes no false promises. It guarantees results with a money back guarantee. Unlike many medications, it is not one that has to be taken forever. The normal regimen is to take the tablets for 90 days, and then discontinue use until symptoms begin again. The amount of time off Amberen will vary from woman to woman.As for side effects, it is known to cause headache in some women. Giving up all those symptoms for a headache; I will take the headache thank you very much. This product contains a small amount of MSG that is the cause of the headaches, so if you have consumed MSG with no ill effects, this will not create a problem for you. Unfortunately, any woman that suffers from hyperthyroidism is not a candidate for Amberen.

It is advisable that you confer with your physician before beginning this regimen and if he is unfamiliar with the product, clinical manuscripts are available for him to read. This product has for me won the fight against menopause. After many hard fought battles with symptoms, I am again once symptom free thanks to other secrets I have learned that I feel pharmaceutical companies don't want us to know. What are they?

Dealing With Menopause Fatigue

Menopause is a very serious and often very challenging time in a woman's life, one which is often very difficult to face. After all it is basically the signaling of the end of the woman's fertility period, the end of the chance of being able to become pregnant.

Most women cite that the hardest part of all of dealing with menopause is dealing with the symptoms that come with it, including hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. Hot flashes are typically the most common and most complained about symptom of all, and tend to begin in perimenopause, the stage immediately previous to actual menopause.

Hot Flashes

The hot flashes usually begin in the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain that controls body temperature, and the hot flash is basically the body's way of cooling itself, like the way a refrigerator kicks on when you open the door on a hot day, to give you a better idea of the concept that is involved here.

Herbal remedies for women with hot flashes include:

  1. plants that cool the system, such as chickweed, elder and violet;

  2. plants that nourish or increase oxygen utilization in the liver, such as dong quai, dandelion, Ho Shou Wu (polygonum multiflorum) and yellow dock; and

  3. plants rich in phytosterols, such as black cohosh.

Menopause Fatigue

Another of the most talked about symptoms of menopause is menopause fatigue, which the majority of all women experience during this time in their lives. In fact, for most menopause sufferers menopause fatigue is all too common, and while some women only notice mild fatigue, others report it being so bad that they have to remain lying down with their eyes closed and cannot move for extended periods of time.

Menopause fatigue comes in a variety of forms including as a loss of energy after working out, motion sickness fatigue resulting from mixed signals in the brain, and some women are even diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome which is also often accompanied by a variety of other symptoms as well including a chronic cough, chills and night sweats, brain fog, chest pain, shortness of breath, jaw pain, weight loss or gain, and psychological problems.

B vitamins are excellent for energy. The best way to get your B vitamins is through nutritional yeast. Be sure to get a brand that has been processed at low temperatures.

Coconut oil is an excellent energy booster and good for your thyroid. It can also help you lose weight. Try 2 tablespoons in a little warm water before meals.

CoQ10 is good for your heart and gums as well as your energy.

L-carnitine is an excellent supplement for energy as well as weight loss.

L-tyrosine is an amino acid that can give you more energy if you are not getting enough of it in your diet.

Seaweeds are packed with nutrients, especially trace minerals, which many people are deficient in. Seaweeds also helps support thyroid function. You can add seaweeds to your diet or take a kelp supplement.

Other Symptoms

Besides hot flashes and menopause fatigue there is also an array of other symptoms that are commonly experienced, including memory and concentration problems, insomnia, low sexual desire, weight gain, mood swings, hair loss and depression.

If these natural remedies do not help, it is important to speak to your doctor if any of these symptoms become too severe or if you are finding yourself unable to complete daily activities and tasks without problems.

Urethritis & Cystitis Treatment

Cystitis refers to sharp and painful inflammation of the bladder whereas urethritis is inflammation of urethra which is the tube, through which the urine travels from the bladder to the outside.

One of the symptoms of cystitis is an acute burning sensation around the vulva and it hurts during urinary excretion. You can easily get to know when you are suffering from urethritis since the symptoms are so obvious and hard to ignore. The urge to urinate increases which is accompanied by a lower back pain. Urethra or bladder infection gives a whole new meaning to "urgency". It usually occurs due to poor hygiene in the area of urethra. It can also occur due to congenial defects in the urinary tract or if an instrument which is not sterilized is inserted in a patient to analyze a urinary problem. There may also be discharge which is cloudy, green-yellow mucus or white and watery.

Going by doctor's advice, one should never hold urine for too long, since it leads to infection. Drinking less water doesn't mean that there will be less urine, it would just result in dehydration. Drinking lots of water would immediately give relief from the pain. Water removes all the toxins from the body and cleanses the entire excretory system. As it is said prevention is better than cure so it is essential to drink minimum of 10 glasses of water a day.

It is generally observed that women who have undergone menopause are easily susceptible to urethritis and cystitis. The best way to treat urethritis and cystitis is to go to the doctor who would prescribe antibiotics to recover. Intake of vitamin C can prevent frequent infections. A herbal cure is to drink pure cranberry juice which will give you relief since it will acidify the urine and reduce the infection. Dried cranberries can also be tried. In Homeopathy "Cantharis" is recommended as a cure. Decreasing sugar and soda intake can also help to reduce the problem.

Home remedies to treat cystitis is to drink cucumber juice mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice and a teaspoon of honey taken 3 times daily, This would make you feel better very quickly. One more home remedy is to use a teaspoon of drumstick flower juice and mix it with coconut water taken twice daily. To avoid using medication, you can also drink radish leaves juice once daily which would surely make you feel better. Somehow it is always said it is best to treat infections with natural things than man made, hence you can also try spinach juice mixed with coconut water. Drink twice daily and it would do wonder for your cystitis.

It is not necessary that cystitis and urethritis would always occur simultaneously. However, frequently the two coincide. When they occur together it is also called UTI (urinary tract infection).

Another treatment for cystitis is radiation cystitis treatment. In radiation cystitis treatment, radiation helps in treating the infected area and prevents the infection from spreading in any other organ. The flip side of this treatment is that the tissue near the infected area could get affected by the radiation beam. It is usually used when the infection becomes very severe.

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