Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting Menopause Relief

Normally starting between ages 40-55, menopause is a time that every woman dreads to endure. Nevertheless, it is a process of life which has to be carried out. Most women start to notice the common symptoms such as : Mood changes, hot flashes, decreased sex drive, irregular menstrual periods, and vaginal dryness. Before putting you on the track to minimizing the awful pain of this dreaded part of life you will need to know why your body changes, hurts, and reacts to menopause the way it does. The symptoms are caused by lower estrogen levels and at this time the ovaries are becoming less functional. As a result of these changes in hormone levels your body will react accordingly. Many females hardly have any symptoms and some even transition very smoothly through the entire change. But when the sudden decrease in hormones does in fact occur, this can mean sometimes even excruciating pain. The same thing can be exemplified when a woman surgically has her ovaries removed(pain comes from same origin). But there are a lot of ways to find relief from menopause. A lot of women don't know that at this time your body is no where near its equilibrium(hormones are out of whack) so even things you eat and your lifestyle in general can bring on an onslaught of hot flashes.

A list of common foods and way of living that may increase your chance of coming down with hot flashes are:

* alcohol

* caffeine

* diet pills

* spicy food

So if and only if you are serious about making your life enjoyable again, then feel free to click the link at the bottom of the page to make your life livable again....its up to you if you want to feel better, but that wont happen when you don't do anything about it now will it???

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