Saturday, June 8, 2013

Secret Role of the Adrenal Glands in Menopause

When a woman reaches that time in her life where the hormones in her body are decreasing, it is sure that menopause symptoms are sure to follow. Although many women may not know what it is, the adrenal glands play a very important role in this part of a woman's life. These small glands will play an ever-increasing part in her life, whether she knows it or not. Here are some of the secrets of this tiny gland.

The adrenals glands are small glands that sit near the top of the kidneys and secrete cortisol and epinephrine, which are commonly referred to as stress hormones. The cell receptors for both cortisol and epinephrine will fluctuate in the body depending on how much stimulation they receive by the nervous system. This is based on several factors, mostly increased stresses due to the long-term use of substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, as well as lack of exercise and emotional distress. This can lead to unhealthy adrenal function, which causes immune dysfunction. Side effects can be felt in insomnia, moodiness, chronic infections and even immune disorders. As stress builds in the mind and body, the adrenal glands will suffer.

Healthy adrenal function in the body promotes restful sleep, and a sense of wellbeing in the person. They also can have an effect on the thyroid system, which is a key component in regulating things such as hormones, brain activity, blood circulation, calcium balance, tissue maintenance, and even temperature of the body. Lowered thyroid function is somewhat common during perimenopause, and can cause symptoms of menopause to become much worse if left unchecked.

When the adrenal glands and thyroid are both in an unhealthy condition, a condition called "hypothyroidism" can be the result. Symptoms can include: fatigue, weight gain, depression, cold hands and feet, constipation, severe and frequent hot flashes or night sweats, mood swings, reduced libido, and sleep disorders. Is it any wonder that a woman would want to keep these two glands in good condition? Once the hormones are out of balance, the body can react in very unpredictable ways.

Are there ways to avoid this condition, and keep the adrenal glands healthy? Of course there are, some of which are more physical in nature and others that will help keep your emotional balance in check. Here are few suggestions:

Learn to manage stress - this is a problem with many women, learning to "let go" of emotions. Dealing with stress can also mean getting a massage, taking time out during the day to relax and escape even if only for a few minutes.

Homeopathic remedies - try herbal teas and other herbal remedies for symptoms

Start taking vitamins on a daily basis, one that's all inclusive with minerals

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, fried foods, and anything else that may be bad for your body.

It's not that hard to take care of yourself physically, especially when you realize that the consequences can be pretty severe when you don't. Learn to take care of your adrenal glands, and they will take care of you!

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