Monday, June 3, 2013

How Amberen Wins The Fight Against Menopause

Talk to any woman who is in her fifties and most will have a story to share about menopause that will border on a nightmarish experience. No matter what you do, there is no easy way of going through menopause. Sleeplessness caused by hot flashes that leads to fatigue are just a small part of the numerous changes a woman's body experiences. We must not forget the bloat and weight gain, and the constant emotional roller coaster that we seem to be on.

The Food and Drug Administration allowed for the use of hormone replacement therapy only to find that it had many unexpected and serious side effects. Why this was not noted before the product was released is still a question that plagues me, but who am I to question the powers that be. All I know is that I was not interested in giving up hot flashes for cancer, stroke and heart attack, no matter how severe they were. Menopause symptoms are some of the worst feelings I have ever undergone, but to my knowledge there are none known to cause death.

The health food store gave me a few leads, but nothing seemed to work as promised. I scoured the computer in search of anything that could aid in the relief of the dastardly symptoms and I found a product referred to as Amberen. Could there actually be a product claiming to be totally non-hormonal and yet works like a hormone treatment to restore your body to its former self? I must be having some kind of out of body experience related to lack of estrogen, for I am finding these claims difficult to believe.

Well, menopause may have won a few battles but the war was not yet over. I ordered the product and started taking it as soon as it arrived. Within a few days the changes became more and more noticeable. I felt like me again. The person I had lived with all my life was returning to inhabit my body. Instead, of being married to a shrew, my husband could again enjoy having me in the same room with him.

Amberin makes no false promises. It guarantees results with a money back guarantee. Unlike many medications, it is not one that has to be taken forever. The normal regimen is to take the tablets for 90 days, and then discontinue use until symptoms begin again. The amount of time off Amberen will vary from woman to woman.As for side effects, it is known to cause headache in some women. Giving up all those symptoms for a headache; I will take the headache thank you very much. This product contains a small amount of MSG that is the cause of the headaches, so if you have consumed MSG with no ill effects, this will not create a problem for you. Unfortunately, any woman that suffers from hyperthyroidism is not a candidate for Amberen.

It is advisable that you confer with your physician before beginning this regimen and if he is unfamiliar with the product, clinical manuscripts are available for him to read. This product has for me won the fight against menopause. After many hard fought battles with symptoms, I am again once symptom free thanks to other secrets I have learned that I feel pharmaceutical companies don't want us to know. What are they?

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