Monday, August 26, 2013

Menopause Relief

Menopause is nothing but the natural cessation of the menstrual cycles of a woman. With this change in the menstrual cycle will permanently stop the natural reproductive cycles of the woman. Women will be indicated by this change in her reproductive system by a permanent absence of the monthly menstruation. It is considered as the end of the fertility of the woman who faces the phase menopause.

Menopause begins with the inability of the ovaries to produce an egg every month. Since the production of eggs is something that is associated with a large number of hormones present in the female body, stopping of the production of eggs will affect the organs that produce these reproductive hormones also. One by one they will start to fall out causing various symptoms such as hot flush and mood swings in the woman who faces menopause. Other symptoms of menopause include night sweats, head ache, joint pains, heart palpitation, insomnia and some other psychological issues that make the condition more miserable for her and those around us.

When it comes to menopause relief we can point out a large number of prescription as well as home remedies that are proved to be very effective for menopause relief. Medical world now consider this as a serious issue to be remedied by using safe medicines that do not adversely affect the overall health of the woman who faces her menopause.

Experts in this field strongly recommend a change in the eating pattern of a woman who is approaching the age of menopause. Adding more calcium to the daily diet will help her to overcome the problems that follow the calcium deficiency in the body of the woman approaching menopause. It can be done by consuming calcium supplements or drinking milk every day. Adding soy protein, soy milk and whole soybean to the daily diet also have found to be very much useful in reducing the gravity of most of the disturbing symptoms of menopause.

Some recommends adding of 20 to 60 mgs of Black Cohosh in the regular diet of the woman to enable her to overcome the problems associated with hert palpitation, anxiety and head ache that comes along with menopause.

When it comes to menopause relief certain prescription medications such as Gabapentin and Effexor are found to be very effective in reducing the intensity of the menopause symptoms. Some women undergo hormone replacement therapy to overcome the problems associated with menopause. What exactly is the best menopause relief for a woman is something that is to be decided by a doctor after considering the gravity of the troubles these symptoms caused in the life of that woman.

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