Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Steps to Menopause Relief

The first step in our Three Step Plan to Balance Your Metabolism, Restore Your Figure and Feel Great Forever is:

Step 1: Eliminate the Cause

To Eliminate the Cause you must...

1. Reduce or eliminate refined sugar and "bad carbohydrates."
2. Reverse your personal "total load" of excessive, unrelenting stress

Then and only then will you rebalance your major and minor hormones, heal your metabolism and start feeling like a human being again!

Step 2: Rebuild and Refuel

You will have an astonishing new level of appreciation for your major hormones and the power of food by the time I'm done with this section. We have talked about the metabolic poisons collectively called "bad carbohydrates" and "bad fats." That's what not to eat.

Let's talk about the power of life sustaining food.

If you ever want to walk this earth with the optimal amount of energy, stamina, and vitality then please...cling to every word! If you want an insurance policy against the degenerative diseases that kill the majority of people. If you want a body that you can be proud of and a mind that generates positive, uplifting, loving, happy thoughts... If you are ready to set an example for yourself and treat your mind and body with the respect and reverence it deserves...

Then you must embrace a method of eating that's in harmony with the absolute requirements that every human being has for optimal health.

It's not a request on my part it is a law of cause and effect.

Now before you freak out, stop for a second! If your mind is rebelling and you're having visions of deprivation, drudgery and yet another tasteless, extreme "diet" then boy do I have some great news for you. First, deprivation and "diets" never work. Second, eating right is an act of self love and self respect! It's not just food for the body. You're taking a stand for yourself, its food for the soul!

Once you truly understand the awesome power of your life sustaining food supply you could fire your doctor, buy some new cloths and get rid of all those half empty bottles of miracle pills!!

In order to fully appreciate the role that food plays in every aspect of your health you have to know a little more about Insulin, Adrenalin and Cortisol.

Insulin is a counter balance to Adrenalin and Cortisol. Insulin controls one half of the most important functions in your body. Which are rebuilding cells, muscles and bones, building other molecules like brain chemicals, other hormones and enzymes and supplying energy in the form of fats and glycogen. (stored sugar) Adenalin and Cortisol work together and they control the other half. They allow your body to use the molecules and energy to so you can live your life.

Everything from thinking, digestion and the beating of your heart to signaling old cells to make room for new ones. It's like a metabolic bank account. Insulin puts the money in and Adrenalin and Cortisol let you take the money out. What can you think of that could possibly be more important than what these major hormones do in your body!

You may also recognize Adrenalin and Cortisol as the "stress" hormones.

Let me give you an example of how powerful these major hormones are. You have heard the story of the mother who sees her child get caught underneath a car and somehow finds the strength to lift it up and free her baby.

Insulin made it possible for her cells to have the available resources and Adrenalin and Cortisol exploded into her system within seconds and created massive amounts energy allowing the mother to perform an otherwise impossible feat of strength.

Only the major hormones could make that happen. That should help you understand the incredible power these hormones have. Just a slight imbalance can throw your health into a tailspin.

Take another look at what the major hormones are responsible for:

1. Supply the body with life sustaining building materials and sources of energy (Insulin).
2. Use these life sustaining compounds to produce energy to think, breath, move, digest and keep our hearts beating (Adrenlin, Cortisol).

Hmmm? Life sustaining building materials?

Insulin delivers them and Adrenalin and Cortisol allows us to use them?

So your skin, nerves, blood, heart, brain, and eyeballs are all made from these life sustaining compounds! So are enzymes, minor hormones, neurotransmitters, and all the powerful biochemicals that make you feel good!

They also make your bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, liver, kidneys, stomach and spleen! Even the major hormones themselves have to be made from something? What is it? I have a really important question to ask? Wouldn't you say that the source of these life sustaining building materials and your energy supply is critically important above all else?

All of it, every last molecule in your body was made from only one source...


That's right! What you eat not only determines what you're made of but ultimately determines how long and how well every cell in your body functions!!

In other words, you can't treat yourself like a garbage dump and expect to be lean, healthy and bursting with energy. Our hospitals and graveyards are full of people who gambled and lost that bet!

The main point is this. If you want results you have to prioritize what is most important. Your food supply is a top priority. When you get it right then you trigger a cascade of benefits that goes something like this.

- Eating correctly provides life sustaining compounds
- Major hormones can function properly and balance out
- Metabolism heals
- Cells repair, tissues regenerate, organs revitalize and systems function
- Biochemicals, enzymes, minor hormones, neurotransmitters regulate
- Physical and mental energy is restored
- Physical symptoms diminish and disappear
- Mental symptoms reverse from depressed states to positive and happy
- High degree of protection from future conditions and diseases

Let's compare this with conventional thinking. When the priorities are misunderstood or overlooked it goes something like this:

- Mainstream doctors start with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)

and/or anti-depression medication
- Food supply remains inadequate to meet basic metabolic needs
- Major hormones remain imbalanced and will become progressively more imbalanced.
- Metabolic healing cannot take place and continues to get worse
- Some physical and mental symptoms can be temporarily improved
- Some will stay the same
- Some will get worse
- More drugs are prescribed
- HRT, poor diet, bad carbohydrates, imbalance in major hormones and excessive "total load" all contribute to high risk of developing a future condition or disease.
- You sacrifice possible relief in some symptoms for a guarantee of continued poor health

This scenario is going to be pretty much the same with most Alternative doctors, the diet and supplement industries and the endless flow of nonsense coming from the media.

They will always fall short because they start with the wrong priorities, downplay what's most important and twist your thinking into emotionally driven impulses.

The life sustaining food you need is delicious, pleasurable and the farthest thing from deprivation or yet another mindless diet!

Don't throw your life away eating food that slowly poisons you. Respect yourself! The right food for the body is food for the soul, always remember that. On our website you will find a link for The Resurrection Eating Plan. This is a tremendous resource to help you understand what to eat and why.

Step 3: Use targeted, professional quality, highly effective nutritional supplementation.

Nothing will rejuvenate your energy faster, boost your moods and kick your metabolism into fat burning mode like our targeted, professional quality, exclusive nutritional formulas. We call it the "90 Days to a New Life System."

It works when all else fails and here's why. If you heard that water is excellent to put out a fire would you agree?
Well of course, no argument right?

What if your house was on fire and someone showed up with a squirt gun? Now it's a different story!

When your metabolism is suffering, major hormones are thrown off kilter and your minor hormones are taking a beating it's like a house on fire.

For you individually, it could be a small fire or a big one but the sooner you get it stopped the faster you rebuild and "heal" the damage.

Our products are purposely designed to get optimal amounts of "water on that metabolic fire" from every different angle.

And there is nothing else in the world as fast and effective as our "Re-Balance System!"

It is not possible to correct imbalances in major hormones, revive your metabolism, promote fat burning, reverse deficiencies and rejuvenate your energy levels with products equivalent to "squirt guns!"

And you cannot do it with a single product no matter how convincing the story may be!

Your metabolism is a serious matter! Years of abuse from poor eating, bad carbohydrates and unrelenting stress have pushed your body past its threshold to cope. The imbalance of your major hormones has a stranglehold on your energy levels, fat burning and any hope for lasting mental and emotional stability. The 90 Days to a New Life System works because we focus on the cause!!

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