Sunday, July 21, 2013

Seven Simple Ways to Get Fit During Menopause

Exercise is good for us at any age - we know that. But menopause is a time when the benefits of exercise can make a considerable difference to our quality of life.

So Why Keep Fit During Menopause?

  • You'll cope better with perimenopause symptoms

  • It gives you more energy

  • It helps you to sleep

  • It helps you to relax

  • You'll cope better with stress

  • You'll feel better in yourself and improve your self image

  • You are more likely to overcome anxiety and depression.

  • You will meet new people and socialize more.

  • You'll reduce your risk of heart disease

  • You'll keep your bones strong and healthy

  • It will strengthen the muscles around your joints

7 Simple Fitness Strategies

1. Visit a fitness instructor - they will work out a fitness programme that's just right for your individual needs. They also help to keep you motivated and you are more likely to stick with the programme if you know someone is checking up on your progress.

2. Join a gym or fitness centre. It can be as simple as 20 minutes each on the bicycle, the treadmill and the rowing machine - that's 60 minutes of exercise taken care of. Do that 3 times a week and you'll be a whole new creation (mentally and physically).

3. Exercise in water. Swimming is great for all-round fitness because it builds muscle strength while working your heart and lungs. It also helps to build endurance as well as increasing suppleness. Water also reduces impact on joints and so is particularly suitable for overweight people and those with bone or joint pain.

4. Hate exercising in public? Some of us prefer to not frighten people so we choose to exercise with a favourite DVD or exercise video at home. That way you can go at your own pace and not wonder who's watching you.

5. Take initaitive and start your own walking group. There are sure to be other ladies who would like to walk but lack motivation. Each of you can take a turn to organise the walking route for a week.

6. You're not an old dog so teach yourself some new tricks - take up a new sport or get back into a sport you used to play.

7. Take a dance class. If you've secretly always wanted to do belly dancing then go for it. Ballroom dancing is also loads of fun and if done on a regular basis it'll improve your fitness levels dramatically.

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