Saturday, July 27, 2013

Do You Experience Menopause Hot Flashes?

Estrogen is a special hormone in our body. From the part it plays the role in puberty to the help it gives in creating life, it is an amazing substance to know. Menopause hot flashes have a relationship with this special hormone.

It is hard to believe however the hot flashes which you experience during menopause are the result of the estrogen in your body being depleted. Estrogen is normally produced by follicles development in the ovaries, the corpus luteum and your placenta when you are pregnant. Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone stimulate the development of estrogen in your ovaries.

Whenever you don't have enough FSH or LH or if you develop too much will throw off the balance of your estrogen and cause you many reproductive problems. Minimal amounts of estrogen are also developed by other tissues such as your breasts, adrenal glands and liver. When a woman is born her ovaries contain between 200,000 and 400,000 follicles which will become the tiny eggs her ovaries will create each month.

Estrogen acts a mighty section in the process of ovulation. That is why while a women ages and her supply of eggs declines, she will begin to stop getting menses and experience menopause. As menopause happens, her ovaries stop secreting estrogen and her body will go through several modifications like menopause hot flashes.

Menopause hot flashes happen as the loss of estrogen affects the part of your brain that controls your body's temperature. When your body isn't creating enough estrogen, this part of your brain turns the heat up and causing you to have a menopause hot flash. As a response, your body tries to quickly cool itself down by circulating blood through your body at a rapid speed and sweating.

Most women begin to lose estrogen up to two years before they exactly stop having menses, so it is very possible to experience menopause hot flashes before you exactly experience menopause. Although you are ended with menopause, you will still have estrogen in your body system but just not as much as you once did. This will also triggers hot flashes in some women for up to five years after they stop having a period.

Whenever you have hot flashes, it may comfort you to notice that they won't last forever. As the diminishing estrogen in your body is balances out, menopause hot flashes will finish. Till that occurs, using an all natural product like menopause treatment that mention in our website can compensate for your body's loss of estrogen.

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