Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pre Menopause Symptom Relief - Can Yoga Help You?

All women reach the stage in life when pre menopause symptom relief becomes an issue. The change of life comes to us all and yet so many women have very little idea as to what to expect.

The menopause brings with it a whole host of possible symptoms some of which are:
Hot Flashes
Weight gain
Reduced libido

As a woman you may experience any, all or none at all. We are all unique and just because your friend suffered you may not. The best indicator may be finding out what your mother experienced.

One of the biggest problems for many women today is the lack of the support systems that their mothers and grandmothers may have had. Unfortunately we do not seem to have the closeness of years gone by.

Many women today find it hard to talk about the menopause and it sometimes seems as though we are just expected to know all about it simply because we are women.

The good news is that resources are more widely available than ever before, it is just a matter of finding them. Books, magazines, television and of course the internet all have information that can be useful to the woman who needs to know more about the menopause.

My experience of the change of life came as a bit of a surprise and it was not until I began to investigate it that I found out that I had been suffering pre menopausal symptoms for at least two years before I really started to take notice.

The menopause will usually start any where from the mid-forties to the the mid-fifties and the average age for it is fifty one. I am a sensible, fairly intelligent woman but I just assumed the menopause happened one month and that was it. Silly me!

My symptoms ranged from frequent but fairly mild headaches to the occasional head breaking migraine and a general feeling of malaise. I seemed to not have the energy that I was used to. Unfortunately this led to periods, excuse the pun, of laying on the couch with a box of chocolates.

This obviously was not right and led to a gradual but definitely apparent weight gain. The more the weight increased the more tired I felt and the more I lay on the couch, you get the picture.

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