Monday, July 1, 2013

The 4 Crucial Secrets to Managing Menopause Without Drugs!

No question; symptoms of Menopause can be very challenging. A great change is occurring in your body. Hormonal balance is a thing of the past. The body's response can vary a great deal, but inevitably there are periods that include some or all of: sudden hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, often as a result of water retention and bloating, vaginal dryness which can interfere with pleasurable intercourse and a loss of libido which makes it undesirable anyway. One can be forgiven for thinking: what a nightmare!

However, many women can make it through menopause with minimal discomfort and without using drugs. What do they know that you may not yet?

4 Steps

1. Buy an English Class 1 Medical Device called LadyCare right away and don't take it off until your menopause is over. It is a simple device from England that is worn inconspicuously inside the underwear and according to a clinical survey of over 500 women and nearly 200,000 others that have bought one, for many it is capable of reducing the impact of ALL symptoms of menopause. This is probably the one simple and inexpensive action that will give you the best support overall.

2. Research menopause generally and especially the symptoms that are affecting you. One of the major concerns of experiencing any symptoms is the emotional stress of uncertainty. There is a wealth of information available from your doctor or on the internet that can put your mind at ease about what you are experiencing.

3. Find the right supplements for your symptoms. The state of your body's health generally will have a big impact on how it handles menopause. As hormone levels change in your body, it will respond and adapt to the best of its ability. Give it all the help you can with the best diet you can manage and vitamin, herbal and mineral supplements that are known to help your specific symptoms. Your naturopath will be able to provide advice that they know to be suitable to your particular body and if you don't have one, there is a wealth of information on the web, although it can be a time consuming process to wade through it all.

4. Live your life. Almost every woman that lives to 60 will have experienced menopause by that time. That is more than half of the population. You are not alone. There is no reason to be embarrassed about the symptoms you are experiencing and absolutely no reason to let them interfere with doing all the things that you would like to at a time in your life when you should be starting to enjoy additional freedom from familial and work responsibilities. Accept that you are experiencing a natural process that most of your contemporaries are equally aware of and maintain a light-hearted attitude when the symptoms affect you.

Okay, so there are no real secrets here (except maybe the LadyCare device, which won't be a secret in North America much longer). It's using common sense and a pro-active approach that gets us through all challenges, including menopause. These are really just some common sense tips to help you kick-start that proactive approach and may help you avoid resorting to more serious treatments using drugs or hormone replacement.

View a short video [] from England about the inexpensive device that women are using to manage the symptoms of menopause without drugs.

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