Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Beat Menopause Weight Gain - Here is How I Did It

I knew it was coming, the menopause weight gain, I saw it happen to my mother and my older sister. My sister was great shape prior and she put on 40lbs in the first year. Last year when the first signs of menopause were evident, I started to see if there was a way to beat this symptom, here is what I found.

There is a whole list of symptoms that you can have from menopause. And last year I started to experience some of them. But when I noticed my weight go up 5lbs one week I knew it was time for action.

I knew it was because of a hormone imbalance that made these symptoms appear. And what I came to find out was that just like any other time in life when internally we have a chemical change various bodily functions react to the change. Sounds confusing I know, but trust me it's easy to get a handle on it.
I knew that metabolism can be affected by internal chemical changes. I also knew that metabolism plays a huge role in rather we gain, lose or maintain the same weight. It burns calories based on our normal rate of activity.

It knows on average how many calories you will need tomorrow because chances are you are going to do the same level of activity you have for the past 20 years or so. It then made perfect since to me that if my metabolism slowed down due to the chemical changes and if I did everything the same as I had for the past 20 years, I was going to automatically gain weight.

I had the answer. I had to get my metabolism to start reacting to a new higher level of physical activity. Eat a sensible diet, increase my activity and my metabolism should speed back up causing me to burn more calories. So I started to add more physical things into my life daily.

I did not start any exercise program, I just looked for ways in everyday life where I could make things a little harder physically. For example here are a few of the things I did;

  • At the mall I started to us the stairs next to the escalator, as well as anyplace else that I can.

  • I love to bake bread, but instead of using the mixer to knead the dough, I now knead the dough by hand, another good 10 minutes.

  • We used to go bowling when we were younger, so I suggested that we do that again every now and then. Not only is it fun but its physical activity

  • I got a used bicycle at yard sale for $10, got it tuned up and now ride for 30 minutes to an hour most nights after dinner, it is fun.

So I had two things now going for me, I had a physical fitness plan and I was eating right and my weight gain did begin to stop and it actually reversed, more on that in a minute.
But, by then l had another set of problems, I really started to have some of the other symptoms of menopause like vaginal dryness, some urinary problems, and a lack of libido. Sure I beat the weight gain but I wanted these to go away fast. Soon a friend told me about a product she had just started taking.

It is called Menozac and all I can say is "Wow", what a relief that a product likes this exists. It is an all natural product so I had no issues with trying it out. Within weeks after starting on the product I was back to feeling like I did before menopause. Gone were all of the symptoms I was feeling.

So what a victory! I was able to not only lose 13lbs, I have since lost an additional 8lbs. I truly beat menopause weight gain. I was able to get rid of all my other symptoms thanks to a great product called Menozac. And to be honest with you, my new life has me feeling like I'm 35 again.

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