Monday, July 1, 2013

Post Menopausal Syndrome and Amberen

Menopause is complete cessation of menstrual bleeding and it varies woman to woman. A woman may observe a gradual change in her menstrual cycle over several months or even years in her late 40s or early 50s before the bleeding ceases altogether. This period may be accompanied by classical symptoms of menopause. On the contrary, some of the women may experience an abrupt cessation of their bleeding cycles without any warning, while some women may have episodes of decreased bleeding with an occasional cycle. In these conditions the diagnosis of menopause is straightforward and does not need any special investigation.

The early symptoms of menopause include vasomotor symptoms such as night sweats and hot flushes. About seventy percent of women in the West undergo some of vasomotor symptoms, but their intensity varies. Their exact cause is not known, but it is believed that; relative fall in circulating estrogen levels disrupts the control of the body's thermostat, located in the hypothalamus, leading to cutaneous vasodilatation and heat loss. Here, you may help your symptoms by using alternative medicines for menopause like Amberen.

Classically, hot flashes only affect the upper trunk and head and neck. Recent renewed interest in the cause of the hot flushes has implicated a possible role for serotonin and its receptors in the central nervous system. Stress, spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and hot drinks may trigger hot flushes in the post-menopausal woman. Hormone replacement therapies and herbal remedies like Amberen, Black cohosh and Ginkgo can help decrease the intensity of hot flushes in women having menopause.

Symptoms such as depressed mood, irritability, loss of memory and concentration, anxiety, tiredness, and labile mood are common around the menopause. Women who report psychological issues at the menopause are more likely to have had previous psychological problems, poor health and other stresses and a negative attitude to aging. Natural and herbal products for menopause may fight against these symptoms. Trustworthy preparations like St John's wort, Evening primrose oil, Amberen and Ginkgo are working wonders with these offensive and cumbersome consequences of menopause.

Amberen contains ammonium succinate, Glycine, calcium disuccinate, monosodium L-glutamate, zinc difumarate hydrate, vitamin E and magnesium disuccinate hydrate in it. All these ingredients intend to help ease the menopause symptoms by keeping a balance of hormones in the body. Thus this preparation prevents bone loss, enhances libido and releases stress. Similarly, other natural supplements are also meant to decrease the menopausal symptoms by helping the body metabolism.

Natural preparations are thought to be more safe and reliable as most of them are taken orally. Oral supplements are believed to cause least side effects if any. But, it never means that they are all innocent. They can be mean and may react adversely with the body cells. Be clear about what you use to subdue your menopausal symptoms.

Along with the conventional and herbal therapies life style betterment plays an equal role in the management of menopausal symptoms. Taking diet rich in isoflavones and going on regular walk or exercise work wonders with the lives of old people.

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