Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tapping Therapy and Massage As Effective Pain Relief Techniques

Energy healing, through EFT tapping and massage can physically relieve pain through stimulating the release of the natural pain relieving hormone, Calcitonin. This natural hormone has effects even stronger than morphine and is considered by some natural health practitioners and researchers to be the best pain reliever the body can make. Besides acting to dissolve pain, this hormone, when it is released produces a feel-good and relaxing effect in the body. EFT therapy also helps clear old trauma and old memories that may otherwise be blocking the free flow of our bio-energetic field. When our energy system is blocked this often results in symptoms such as pain and stiffness.

Tapping and Massage for Pain Relief

With this EFT technique start from the bottom or lowest point, i.e the feet and work your way towards the top, i.e. the head. First massage the areas described below for about half a minute, followed by fairly robust tapping with the fingers for another half a minute.

  • Acupuncture point (Kidney point) on the ball of the foot (about an inch down from the space between the big and second toe) under the foot. Massage with the right hand clockwise and then tap vigorously.

  • Outside the ankle, between the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. Again massage and tap.

  • Behind the knees, right in the centre. Repeat the massaging and tapping action.

  • Move your hand along the collarbone up to the shoulder and then again massage and tap.

  • Go to the side of your Adam's apple, between the larynx and the muscle there. Pinch it hard to stimulate the acupuncture point (don't massage this area). Then go back towards the muscle about an inch down below the angle of the jaw and tap there.

  • Top of head. Massage and tap.

Part of the reason this EFT technique works so well is because you are focusing on something other than the pain, but it also works because of the stimulation of the acupuncture points which releases blockages in the body's electro-magnetic flow and stimulates the release of the powerful pain reliever, Calcitonin.

It can often work better if you combine this tapping with some focused statements, such as:

- I forgive myself for anything I may have done to contribute to this pain.

- I forgive anyone else for anything they may have done to contribute to this pain.

- I am willing to let go of all connections to this pain in my body, my mind, in my relationships and in my past and present.

- I am so grateful for this healing now.

Exercise Pains and Stresses Away

Exercise is also a major component of healing and health and probably more important than many people realise. Apparently it raises one's DHEA levels which are essential for health and well-being. Low DHEA levels are often associated with aging and an increased risk of cancer, memory loss, lowered immune function, decreased energy levels, weight gain, greater risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. So exercising can help slow down the aging process, boost the immune system and lower the risks of more serious diseases whilst making you feel good at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. This is quite nice! I really wanted to do some tapping therapy. They said that it could really help me with the pains.
