Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Get Menopause Relief During Perimenopause

Some women sail right through perimenopause and enter menopause with little thought of finding menopause relief. Others have symptoms for 10 or 15 years before actually becoming officially menopausal. In any case, the feelings of depression, lack of memory, night sweats, hot flashes and insomnia can be very disrupting for anyone.

What is perimenopause?

In the not-so-distant past the medical world did not even regard the time period preceding menopause as significant. Once this attitude changed, the name perimenopause was coined to describe the pre-menopause time period. Similar to the term pre-pubescent, perimenopause describes the hormonal change taking place before the actual onset of menopause.

During this time, the symptoms can vary greatly from month to month. As the body begins changing it's production of hormones, your periods can become very heavy, or much lighter, or become sporatic. Your moods can swing from high to low, thinking can become fuzzy, and your memory can go on vacation temporarily.

Some women have very few adjustments during this time, others can experience very devastating symptoms. Until recently, most medical doctors prescribed artificial hormones. However, with the Women's Initiative study revealing the dangers of breast cancer from the therapy, many women have begun searching for alternative methods.

Do you have to suffer these symptoms?

According to many doctors who specialize in women's health, you absolutely do not need to suffer. Because the symptoms of menopause are caused primarily by a hormonal imbalance, finding a method to restore this balance will result in a much more pleasant change of life.

When you experience things like hot flashes or insomnia, it is because your body is trying to get your attention. The body naturally wants to maintain a balanced state called homeostasis, and when this is disrupted, it sends out signals like alarms to wake you up.

These symptoms just don't go away by themselves, as a cold might. Doing nothing will result in nothing happening to change things for the better.

What can you do to get menopause relief?

There are numerous methods to truly get some help, a few are listed here:

  • Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle. This means no smoking, drinking in moderation, and getting adequate rest and sleep.

  • Manage the stress in your life. Stress is a major contributor to hormonal imbalances.

  • Take high quality vitamin and mineral supplements.

  • Get vigorous exercise several times a week.

  • Learn about alternative treatments such as EFT, massage therapy, herbal remedies, etc.

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