Sunday, July 7, 2013

3 Menopause Remedies That Relieve Menopause Symptoms

You shouldn't feel that hormone replacement therapy is the only option open to you. Before the FDA approved it, there were many women in various cultures have used their own effective menopause remedies for menopause symptoms relief. However nowadays, we forget that how the people before us cope with the same problem and changes in life without any benefit of modern medicines. You can consider some of the other natural alternatives if you feel uncomfortable with using synthetic drugs to treat your menopause signs and symptoms.

Menopause Tea

Since ancient, indigenous and cultures have long been aware of the healing aspects of tea. For example the world's first painkiller was made by the tea from the willow bark tree. Certain herbal combinations also can used to reduce or eliminate the unpleasant side effects of menopause like night sweats, hot flashes and flagging energy levels. However hen using tea to relieve your symptoms, you have to avoid caffeine. Most women find that they having a hard time getting adequate rest during the menopause transition and you don't want anything to interfere with your rest.

Soy Menopause Benefits

Soy is another natural remedy which can help support menopause symptoms reduction. As you know, soy milk is one of the excellent sources of calcium and it also can easily be used in place of cows' milk. You also can use it with berries or your favorite fruit for an energy boosting smoothie. It helps to keep unwanted weight off during this time as it is low in fat. You may enjoy tofu which made from soy and others same benefits as the milk.

Menopause Progesterone Cream

Many women are turning to using progesterone cream instead as they start to concern related to hormone replacement therapy to treat menopause symptoms. Most people prefer this safer alternative as this technology employs bio identical hormones instead of synthetic ones. Moreover the menopause symptoms will be relief by using this type of hormone and the risk of side effects is minimal. These bio identical hormones are made from plants and it can exactly duplicate the kinds of hormones the body makes its own. As a result, progesterone cream is more effective treatment compare to other menopause treatment.

Compare HRT that may improve your chances of contracting ovarian, breast and uterine cancers, you may try to choose menopause remedies for menopause symptoms relief. To find a suitable menopause relief doesn't have to be a gamble with your health. Progesterone cream can be a choice of menopause treatment as it is safer and more effective.

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