Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is Pre-Menopause? - The Signs and Symptoms That Come With It

Women should keep in mind that pre-menopause is a process that leads to the real menopausal stage. The gradual decline in the female's reproductive system produces various signs and symptoms to crop up from time to time. In some ways, it simply teaches your body to adapt to the full effect of the condition.  

Pre-Menopausal Stage 

It is easy to explain the pre-menopausal stage; the changes in a female's reproductive system are marked by hormonal imbalance and irregularities as functional ovaries diminish and hormone production decreases. Some female suffer these pains for a span of a few months, but may even last for a year depending on how their body matures and cope with the condition.  

Common Signs And Symptoms 

Signs and symptoms before the actual menopause stage are easily seen with periodic hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular menstrual period. These are just the common ones that all women feel when they under pre-menopausal.  

Sleeping disorder is also a sign that a woman is undergoing pre-menopausal. Constant bouts of weakness and fatigue may cause a change in their body clock -- resulting to an abnormality in their sleeping patterns; such as wide awake during the night and fast asleep during the day. 

Women under pre-menopausal might also have constant mood swings -- happy one moment and extremely sad at the next. There were claims that these bouts of sadness are unexplained, unable to determine why and how it happens. These sudden emotional outbursts might cause intense anxiety attacks and anger, as well as resulting to deep depression that may prove to be a risk if left unchecked.  

It was also observed that women who are under pre-menopausal might suffer from random bouts of palpitations, increased blood pressure, hair loss, weight loss or weight gain due to changes in their metabolic rhythm, and so on.  

Sexual Behavior 

Menopause entails that all sexual and reproductive capabilities of women are put to a complete stop. Women under pre-menopausal experiences a gradual decline in their sexual urges. Decreased libido, as well as the constant mood swings makes it almost impossible for women to enjoy sexual intercourse with their partners, much less reach orgasm.  

Vaginal dryness might cause painful intercourse as lacerations are possible since the vagina is not properly lubricated. This might be a major factor why women shy from any sexual encounter when under pre-menopausal due to the pain involved instead of getting satisfaction and enjoyment from it.  

Keep in mind, however, that these signs and symptoms may not be related to menopause at all. There is a possibility that other health issues may be present in your body that is causing these menopausal-like symptoms to crop up from time to time. It is advisable to seek the aid of your medical expert in order to determine the exact cause of these events and avoid permanent risks.

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